--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Weeding my extensive organic garden and filling my 12 black apostles
(compost bins) I thought of this link on Peter Pearce. Rather like
contemplating weeds to tell the truth. I am godfather to his daughter.
His mother thought him such a negligent father she said something
should have been done to him at birth to prevent him having children.
Take this as idle gossip or a comment from a mother about her only
child and her only grandchild

There is no way Peter would have lost 600K of his own money. Before
marrying Linda, her uncle, who unlike her father had not gambled away
his extensive fortune (his house according to Peter was the castle in
the film "Tom Jones") asked Peter how much he planned to settle on
Linda. Peter who had, no doubt, portrayed himself as wealthy said his
fortune was currently tied up. And so it was, as whatever it was,
nothing huge, still belonged to his mom and stepdad.

Shortly after marrying Linda he appeared in Switzerland with a very
fancy sportscar, her money no doubt.

Walking in my well heeled area, chatting to someone on the path I say
my name and she says"You are Peter Pearce's partner?" Amber flashes on
my screen so I say "only in the art business'" She says tell him to
return her valuable antique ring which he had promised three months
ago to get appraised, otherwise she was going to the police. It seems
Peter had given it to his secretary in lieu of a salary. Se had given
it the office's landlord for safekeeping. He refused to hand it over
to anyone until ownership got proved.

Peter persuaded a lovely old lady, Hazel Stokes, that he thought she
had a Russian icon and he would get it sold for her. It so happened
that she was in London when Christie's knocked it down for over 12,000
pounds. Terribly excited she went to see them to be told her it
belonged to Peter Pearce. Sh e eventually got her money and him his
fat commission.

Not having learned from this experience she gave him her entire
collection of bird paintings she had done for sale. She never saw them
or a penny ever again. Peter told me a bizarre explanation that they
had been seized by the bailiff in a messy divorce proceedings between
his Johannesburg secretary where he had stored them and her angry husband.

I could go on. How he broke into my house to make long distance calls
to England on my account. But enough.

When I visited S.A 1 ½ years ago I wrote him e mail ahead of time as I
would have liked to see him. He never responded and there I could find
no telephone for him. My only revenge was to e mail him that Hazel's
son Claydon was angrily looking for him so to expect a knock on his
door one day.

Like all con artists he leaves one with a feeling of affection for
him. He could spin tales like you wouldn't believe.
Deer have eaten 60 of my 68 crucifera.

Like a good Christian I rejoice in the 8 that were saved.

Oh that the TM movement could have been saved,along with some of the
excellent teachings.

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