--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> TurquoiseB wrote:
> > For your information, the following post is Restricted. No
> > admittance to persons who might be disturbed by graphic
> > images of sex, violence, or other aspects of real life. 
> >
> >
> > Well, I finally saw "Grindhouse," and, although I enjoyed
> > it thoroughly, being a big fan of both Tarantino and Robert
> > Rodriguez, my first thought when it was all over was, "Man,
> > I really want to see the flick in the first fake trailer."
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > And a few of the real grindhouse trailers for the 70s films 
> > that inspired this one:
> >
> > http://youtube.com/watch?v=sNfNevVeebc
> >
> > And you wonder why I'm so weird. This is the sorta stuff
> > I grew up on. They'd be playing every weekend in a double 
> > feature at the local grindhouse theaters. Oh, for the
> > good old days of cinema...  :-)
> >   
> I think the difference between those days and today is that we are 
> overwhelmed with entertainment.  We have tons of DVDs to watch and 
> theater quality gear to watch them on.  But that doesn't mean the 
> quality is any better.  Flat rate monthly subscriptions from 
> Blockbuster and Hollywood Video means that DVD distributors can 
put all 
> kinds of junk out on  DVD just to fill the shelves and if 
> don't like the film they don't necessarily feel ripped off.   Plus 
now I 
> notice a trend of studios cutting films to PG-13 which should have 
> cut for R (and released often on DVD with unrated versions since 
> not going to resubmit to have that R).   This is apparently to 
fill up 
> theaters more since the PG-13 rating often means the film 
is "softer" 
> than it would have been and lacks the substance that adult viewers 
> expect.
> Unlike you I grew up in a small town in the country and the 
> theaters were 20 miles away.  Movies were a treat and not 
something to 
> send the kids to do while shopping.  Besides I got more hooked on 
> Friday night horror movies on TV most of which were old public 
> films (so the station didn't have to pay much for the rental).  
The town 
> where  the theaters were had a liberal arts college where the rich 
> a lot of their kids and so the theaters would often show some of 
the art 
> films of the day.  Those were my mainstay in high school and 
> when I attended went to college in a large city that also had good 
> supply of art house theaters.
> Like many here I don't particularly like to mingle with the hoards 
at a 
> theater.  In the US too many audiences are still rude, put their 
> tennies up the chair next to you, yap on their cell phone or to 
> girl friend which is enough to keep many of us away.  The local 
> is usually pretty good as far as audiences go but they've been on 
> "money film" run so I haven't seen anything there recently.   I 
did go 
> see "bug" at another local theater and there were initially only 
> other patrons at the matinée then 3 teenage miscreants came in 
after the 
> film had stared (apparently having seen another film) and 
proceeded to 
> chat, take cell calls and be generally obnoxious.  I almost kicked 
> one kid in the head or was tempted to shout in his face "shut the 
> up!"  After a while the kid got up (he was with two girls) and 
when he 
> came back I glared at him and being Asian I think it freaked him 
and he 
> told the two girls they'd better leave.   I would go to evening 
> showings  at that theater  since it is the only one in the area 
> the  senior ticket is 60 and over.  The others are 62 or 65 and 
> 70 by the time us boomers reach that -- I remember when 
the "senior" age 
> was 55.   But that theater gets too many low lifes whose idea is 
to hang 
> out there since they don't have dance halls to go to like when we 
were kids.
> BTW, the winner of the After Dark Horror Fest "The Abandoned" is 
> released in the US tomorrow.  There were 8 winners in the fest and 
> 1st prize winner got a run in the theaters so is being released 
> months after the other 7 were released.  I'm looking forward to 
seeing it.
Saw the latest Pirates movie with J. Depp this weekend- completely 
great! Perfect special effects, direction, action, acting, set and 
costume, design, and script to name a few. With its themes of Death, 
life and love it completely transcended the Pirates genre. Wow!:-)

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