--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cool rap, Curtis. I'll take a break from grindhouse
> movies and comment in a few places. :-)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > 1. Is the Bible a different kind of book from other books created 
> > by man? How does he know? Once we decide that they are specially
> > inspired by God, how do we know which parts we should take 
> > seriously and which are just metaphors? Do the parts that start 
> > with "God said" mean that God said those things? 
> Not to even *mention* the question of what language
> God was speaking when he said this shit?  :-)

I imagine it was in 2000ish teen girl dialect. "like my creation is
sooo kewl. Im IMing you all about it."
> > If religious people would hand over the conception that their 
> > specific religious books are different from other books created 
> > by man, we would all just be back in the same human family 
> > together,living in a world of wonder to explore and hypothesize 
> > about.  

Does this imply that you don't believe there any humans who have seen,
lived and become absorbed in the divine? (or any variation of such)?
And that such persons, if they exist, are unable to write any books
about it?

 I would think such a book, or books, in native form, with accurate
translations, with no great councils or groups editing it to make it
conform to their newish doctrine, might be somewhat distinct from
regular books at B&N.

> I think you've (possibly inadvertently) put your
> finger on the whole issue here, Curtis. Many people
> don't *want* a "world of wonder." Wonder *terrifies*
> them.

I am not so sure about that.

 wonder wonder who, oouu who
Who wrote the book of love

Tell me, tell me, tell me
Oh who wrote the book of love

I've got to know the answer
Was it someone from above

I wonder wonder who, be-do-do who
Who wrote the book of love

I, I love you darlin'
Baby you know I do
But I've got to see this book of love
Find out why it's true

I wonder wonder who, be-doooo who
Who wrote the book of love


Chapter one says the lover
You lover her with all your heart

Chapter two you tell her
You never, never, never, never, ever wanna part

In chapter three remember
The meaning of romance

In chapter four you break up
But you give her just one more chance

Oh I wonder wonder who, be-doooo who
Who wrote the book of love

Baby, baby, baby
I love you yes I do
Well it says so in this book of love
Are's is the one that's true

Oh I wonder wonder who, be-doooo who
Who wrote the book of love


Oh I wonder wonder who, be-doooo who
Who wrote the book of love

Baby, baby, baby
I love you yes I do
Well it says so in this book of love
Are's is the one that's true

I wonder wonder who, be-doooo who
Who wrote the book of love

Not to mention Stevie Wonder!

 They want certainty, pat answers. And there-
> fore they believe that the books that give them the
> pat answers they prefer would've required God to be
> the invited guest at the book signings at Borders.

Maybe she has already been there, done that.

> > Theologians do not believe that he is either inside or outside 
> > the universe, as Dawkins thinks they do. His transcendence and 
> > invisibility are part of what he is, which is not the case 
> > with the Loch Ness monster.

Ye, but i am sure there i a super hero that fits the description.
"Cosmic Surfer" ?

> If I believe that the Loch Ness monster is both inside 
> and outside the universe, and is transcendent and invisible,
> does that make me a theologian? If so, do I get a hat that
> says "Theologian" on it?

Ye, but it looks like the hat in Cat in the Hat. Or perhaps a leopard
skin pill-box hat.
> > HIM : He is, rather, the condition of possibility of any entity
> > whatsoever, including ourselves. He is the answer to why there is
> > something rather than nothing. 

What if there is actually nothing? All rope, no snake.
> I don't remember having asked the question. For that
> matter, I don't remember the *universe* having asked
> that question. Humans who are uncomfortable with a 
> world of wonder ask that question, and search for a
> pat answer to it.

Or wondering who that girl was:

There she was just a-walkin down the street,
Singin, do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do
Snappin her fingers and shufflin her feet,
Singin, do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do
She looked good, looked good
She looked fine, looked fine
She looked good, she looked fine
And I nearly lost my mind
> Lao Tzu said, "From wonder into wonder life will open."
> He didn't say, "From wonder into certainty and knowledge
> of the truth life will open." Many theists do. I think
> I'd rather go out drinkin' with Lao Tzu.

Bob Dylan sang:
It ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe
It don't matter, anyhow
And it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you don't know by now
When your rooster crows at the breaks of dawn
Look out your window and I'll be gone
You're the reason I'm traveling on
Don't think twice, it's all right.

and "You can be in my dream if I can be in yours."

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