--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 6/26/2007 12:05:49 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
> > It is clear that MMY is admitting he is not enlightened since 
his  inner 
> experience is so dependent on structures outside of himself. Don't 
get me  
> wrong" The man is incredible". He has changed my life and thousands 
of people  
> around the world. But, this is another sales pitch for Vastu 
living. If this is  
> what he said then CC is not even developed since he would be in 
total bliss  
> consciousness 24 hours a day regardless of the house he is living 
> Lsoma.
> Hello to all,
> Enlightenment means Liberation, no confinement what so  ever, and 
> certainly nothing on the outside touches this. Actually,  the
> Enlightened will 
> tell you that there is no outside for all is One, no  duality.
> If I may ask, who transcribed this? Is this for sure what  
> said? If so, what is your take on this ? I just gave  mine.
> Maybe those reading this can see the Universe offering a wake up  
> Ron
> Maryanne Lee-Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) >  wrote: 
> Maharishi on Vastu
> Global Confrence on Architecture,  17.5.07
> MAHARISHI: ...I am reminded of a proverb `the taste of pudding is  
> eating`, period. We can not describe what is indescribable. And 
> is indescribebable is the benefit of Vastu structured buildings -  
> Sthapatya Ved buildings.
> I am living in the Sthapatya Ved building  and what I feel is that 
> walls of the house, they don`t produce a cage  for me. I don`t feel 
> am 
> living inside the walls. The walls are as  transparent as is the 
> meaning of 
> cosmic living. You don`t feel you are  cramped by the walls.
> I have been throughout all my life, 40-50 years,  living wherever I 
> went, living whosoever kept me as his guest. And always I  was 
> I am 
> caged within these walls.
> And ever since they  gave me this house to live in, I am not 
> restricted. This is cosmic  living...
> ...and follow my advise that throughout my life I have been  caged 
> and ever since these 12-15 years I am here in this house (in  
> my 
> thinking is absolutely unrestricted.th
> ...I am  alone, I know myself - the walls, I am living within the 
> but the walls  are transparent for me. That is the experience. I am 
> very 
> afraid to go  to any house. I never feel to go because I will be 
> in - 
> such  freedom, such abundance, such enormous authority over space 
> time.  
> Such reality of living in cosmic magnitude. This is living in 
> buildings...
> ...it is such a thing, it is beyond  speech...
> ...the law says the house should face the sun. Everyone knows  sun 
> the giver of health. The houses facing the sun, facing the east, 
> healthy. 
> That`s all, simple. Morning sun, evening sun, enter the  door - it 
> healthy. Morning rays of the sun are healthy, they are healthy.  
> the orientation.th
> ...

I have the experience of all these  80-90 years of life living in 
> wrong places. But somehow through the grace of  Guru Dev, I never 
> jolted from 
> my purpose of life. The purpose of life  was to be fully 
> So 
> that was inside, that was very  strong.

Hey Lou; did you actually read the above ? What a strange question 
since it is self-evident that you did not...

> And I was not living very long in some place - 2 days in some  
> 15 days in some place, one month somewhere, like that. But ever 
> I 
> came to this house, the house never left me because it is the same  
> thing if 
> one begins to live one`s cosmic status one can`t leave one`s  Self, 
> can`t stoop down to one`s individual status...
> Maryanne  Lee-Hartman
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