Since there is a limit on how many posts  can be made here, this is
one reason I am not going to reply to every post. In this case, the
question is directed to me but again, we have a limit so I am just not
 going to answer every one, many others probably do the same here.

Secondly, in my camp here, you have heard my story, I am working with
a Guru one to one- then I went on to say if there is something I
promote, they are  2 things- find a Sat Guru, then work one to one.

I also posted today what I thought was a profound description of a
Tantra path, for which I am on one. It is explained how there is a 2
way deal in a working relationship with the Guru.

>From the Guru's side, they are willing to work with their sadakas to
see to it that the unfoldment of enlightenment, the removing of the
veil, is happening as fast as possible. Part of the process is that
they see to it that their disciples are not in confusion.

So, the Guru is right there to clear the air. However, for various
reasons, the Guru is their to clear the air for the sadakas they are
working with. If one with another Guru comes to another Guru, they
most likely would tell the sadaka, go to your own Guru to clear the air.

I mentioned all this because I had in mind that some comments are made
here for which I could attempt to connect my Guru to clear the air for
those interested but that is not either my Guru's job nor mine. I am
trying to explain this so that should, for whatever reason, some
confusion come out of this, again, I say if there is one thing I
promote, it is find your Sat Guru, work one to one and they should be
there to completely clear the air. If not, this may be a message from
the Universe to possibly question what it is you have for a Guru.

Now, back to this response- I choose to leave it as it is- my Guru,
Swami G, is aware of the connection of the mind and Realization, and
speaking from this platform, as she claims, has made that comment. You
may want to check what Ramana, considered one of the great one;s has
to say about the relationship of mind with One in Realization.

What the Guru says is one thing, the rest of the story is living what
they said within one's own existence- this trims the gap between what
they say is the goal and what one knows from their own consciousness
as a result of the connection and alignment to the Guru and the path

--- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "Ron" <sidha7001@> wrote:
> >
> > I asked G to comment:
> > 
> > Dr peter: 
> > Perhaps MMY is speaking about a condition of mind and
> >  not pure consciousness. 
> > 
> > G there is No conditioned mind in Pure Consciousness. If that
> > were the case then there is simply an intellectual knowledge
> > being paraded as Pure Consciousness. 
> Complete non sequitur. She has no idea what Peter
> is talking about. Did you not give her the context?
> If you did, she obviously didn't bother to read it.

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