please check this out

----- Original Message ----
From: tertonzeno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2007 1:05:58 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Photos of Yogis

--The Spiritual Regeneration of the world will (IMO) be an eventual 
occurrence that will pick up steam perhaps - in a few hundred years 
or so and then take off at an exponential rate of growth; since 
Spirituality feeds on itself, (like evil in that respect). TM will be 
the main catalyst for this evolutionary development, and we may look 
forward to vast numbers of people in the Hindu and Buddhist 
persuasions to begin the practice.
As to the rest of the world: Monothiests (Christians, Jews, and 
Muslims), athiests, and agnostics, these are birds of different 
stripes who will become receptive to the notion of an impersonalist 
Ground of Being that exists as a Substratum of existence (some more 
than others); but Christians will have to reconcile this with their 
notion of a Personal Deity. Such a reconciliation must take place 
since Salvation in the Christian viewpoint - the orthodox, not 
Gnostic - has nothing to do whatsoever with yoga, meditation, etc; or 
any such works or evolutionary self-development.  As the current Pope 
has stated on several occasions (He's the former Grand Inquisitor and 
should know); Salvation is totally unrelated to Yoga (and by 
implication, silent meditative methods); so the Pope has swallowed 
the core of St. Paul's Salvation by Grace, through Faith viewpoint.

But the Pope is no dunce! He's aware of "Transcendence" but has a 
mistaken idea about Buddhism. His objection to Buddhism is that 
(although it incorporates Transcendence in its body of practices); he 
claims it's devoid of "Divine Love" ; i.e. the dualist relationship 
between oneself and "God" in the Person of Jesus.
Of course, this isn't true at all. ...but getting back to the topic, 
TM indeed will be the main catalyst for a world transformation but 
not in the near future.
Last, personal note to you Jim, in view of your previous statement 
that (true to your Neo-advaitin colors), you have or feel no need to 
rectify things.  Then I countered with a challenge: that if you 
actually desire the world to be engulfed by a Spiritual 
transformation, then join with those of us following in the footsteps 
of Guru Dev and MMY, to help propagate TM around the world to as many 
people as possible. 
At this time circumstances are not quite favorable for this 
endeavor, but that should be no impediment to a full mental 
commitment.  Don't be like the rest of the Neo-Advaitins, saying "I 
don't know and I don't care". Be committed! If there's to be a world 
transformation, YOU have to make it happen; and all the 
other "you's". 

- In, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In, "Marek Reavis" <reavismarek@> 
> wrote:
>  Jim's experiences seem genuine 
> > enough as he relates them, but the extrapolation of his 
> > to the belief that Guru Dev and Maharishi represent a unique 
> juncture 
> > in the world and human affairs is, however sincere, unveriafiable 
> and 
> > tantamount to similar sectarian beliefs of Christianity or any 
> > religion.
> With one significant and important difference that some on FFL 
> seem to grasp: When certain sectarian beliefs of Christianity 
> that we can only be saved through acceptance of Jesus Christ as the 
> Saviour, there is an unmistakable implication that those that don't 
> are somehow less, or doomed. 
> All I said was that Guru Dev and Maharishi are the catalysts for 
> spiritual regeneration of the world. Period. Unverifiable by each 
> every one of those reading this? Sure. Similar to whether the earth 
> revolves around the sun, or the sun revolves around the earth. Also 
> unverifiable.
> However the thing that is quite different between what I said and 
> comparison to the beliefs of Christian sects is that there is 
> absolutely no implication or assertion I have made that anyone who 
> doesn't believe this is wrong, or a lesser person, or doomed 
> spiritually or otherwise. 
> It is a significant difference, and yet several on this forum 
> decouple this possibility that Guru Dev and Maharishi have brought 
> about the spiritual regeneration of the world, from some 
> that lack of belief in this possibility means that I think they are 
> lesser beings in some regard.
> Marek, you as a lawyer must surely see the logical inconsistency in 
> these few posters' assertion? 
> I consider this inability to decouple what I said from the stories 
> they hold in their heads and hearts as  neurotic- in other words, 
> fully in touch with the here and now. Why should that be made to 
> appear as anyone else's problem except theirs? It sure ain't mine.:-
> )

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