On Jun 29, 2007, at 9:29 AM, t3rinity wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The June Discover Magazine had an interesting article on Body of
> Light (aka "rainbow body") realization. The interesting thing is, now
> that they finally duplicated early 50's research on samadhi in
> advanced meditators, theorists Stuart Hameroff and Sir Roger Penrose
> have come up with a theory for the physical linkage between the
> physical structures of the brain, the fundamental luminosity of mind
> and Planck scale realities.

I'm sure this is a great aricle, but regarding fundamental luminosity
of mind on Planck scale realities, I wonder what Meera Nanda would say
to this. Whats your position Vaj? Are mind-states linked to quantum
realities, or is this all pseudo-sientific hogwash? If you believe in
it, what's the difference to vedic science? Because I myself don't
know, and I have always wondered about his light or rainbow body.

I think Meera Nanda would be very leery of it, unless it was validated by good science (and I hope she would be leery of it). I do not think she would consider it a form of creationism or part of advocating creation science in schools or universities though. TM research has certainly done a lot to sully this field of research IMO.

I find the Hameroff-Penrose theory interesting theory and the most ambitious attempt at an explanation to date. It would be interesting if they actually are able to show a connection between the neuro- cytoskeleton and consciousness but so far it is just a theory. I lean towards Ken Wilber's opinion that consciousness as a unified field is erroneous and it's more likely that prana is the unified field. Traditional explanations of Light Body realization already make this claim so their may be something to this.

Since Light Body Realization is an observable phenomenon it would be interesting to document it in a scientific setting. Given the utter rarity of this type of realization this will be extremely difficult to do. In this regard I liked Gerard Nahum's approach. It would be fascinating to see what sort of data we could extract from a yogin going thru light body realization inside a spherical array of electromagnetic sensors.

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