--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" 
> I'll be the first one to defend Salman Rushdie's right to publish 
> incediary books such as "The Satanic Verses".
> What I don't really understand is why the British Government would 
> out of its way to recommend to the Queen that he receive a 
> from the Queen.
> It's one thing to defend freedom of speech; it's quite another to 
> reward someone for something that, warranted or not, is profoundly 
> insulting to members of a religion.  And, hey, for all I know 
> book is NOT insulting to Muslims and they manufactured 
the "insult".  
> Nevertheless, they do express their revulsion, which they have the 
> right to do.
> Alan Dershowitz defended the right of Neo-Nazis to march on 
> But I can't imagine him handing out Awards to those Nazis for 
> pride.
> At such a sensitive time, why would Britain want to unnecessarily 
> needle Islam?
I was wondering the same thing- Perhaps it is an agressive decoy to 
divert attention (or placate Bush) from the fact that most of their 
originally 30,000 soldiers have left Iraq.:-)

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