In a message dated 7/2/07 11:41:34 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  do.rfl

BushCo  didn't hesitate to conflate Saddam with 9/11 over and over 
>  and
> > over and over again.
> Actually, he didn't.
> Indeed, at the time, he went  out of his way to say that there wasn't 
> a connection.

You're  either lying or you're really extremely self-deluded.Yo
possibly  beyond hope.

        Last Updated: Thursday, 18 September,  2003, 02:03 GMT 03:03 UK   

Bush rejects Saddam 9/11 link

US President George Bush has said there is no evidence that  Saddam Hussein 
was involved in the 11 September attacks.  
The comments - among his most explicit so far on the issue - come  after a 
recent opinion poll found that nearly 70% of Americans  believed the Iraqi 
leader was personally involved in the  attacks.

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