--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "geezerfreak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <jflanegi@> wrote:
> >
> > I've been called out lately to square my behavior despite claiming 
> > to be in an enlightened state. So I just want to say that my 
> > critics 
> > such as Barry and geezer are right- I am not nor have I ever been, 
> > or ever hope to be in this lifetime, enlightened, realized, or any 
> > other noun used for a state of complete inner freedom. 
> > 
> > Now, is that better? Can you guys sleep at night again? Has the 
> > understanding that I am not enlightened, nor is Maharishi, nor 
> > Rory, 
> > nor Judy, nor anyone else you know, or have ever heard of, make 
> > everything all right again? Comfy, cozy? Safe? Because y'know 
> > we're 
> > all passengers on like this bus to nowhere, struggling and peering 
> > through the fog, or into the mud as it were—no progress, no states 
> > of consciousness, just hard core material life. Solid. Maybe a 
> > flashy experience here and there, but nothing to take seriously. 
> > Flash is trash, right?
> > 
> > Feeling better now? Aw, really didn't mean to rile anybody's sense 
> > of inertia, or The Way The World Really Is, and claim something 
> > that 
> > we all know is impossible, and will really never be achieved by 
> > any 
> > of us. Anyway, I hope my critics are feeling Mucho Bueno now and 
> > can 
> > relax, and not strain anything trying to reconcile the mere idea 
> > that I am enlightened, with my (dare I say it?) individual 
> > behavior. 
> > Sweet dreams!:-)
> Hey Jim, thanks for the clarification. But let me also clarify 
> something...I sleep like a baby, love (mostly) my day to day 
> existence and still find plenty to be joyful and thankful about.
> You, Roy and Ms. Horse Laugh don't rile me up in the slightest. 
> My comments are just there to take or leave.

Or, if one is a tad...uh...defensive, to take
offense at.  :-)

> I look in on FFL when I'm in town and have a moment for a guilty 
> pleasure. Don't you think it's a bit presumptuous to think that 
> your FFL postings have enough power to alter mine or 
> anyone else's sense of well being?

And yet, it's one of the most prevalent fantasies
among the more rabid pro-TM posters. They speak of
"devastating" their opponents in debates, of caus-
ing them to lose sleep or gnash their teeth at
the horrible blows that their egos have been dealt
by those who know the Truth.  :-)

Hmmmm. Could this mindset have anything to do with
having been told for decades now how "special" they
are, how *only they* can save the world, by bouncing
around on their bums? 

Naaaaaah...it couldn't really be that simple, could
it?  :-)

> A recording project or artist in a jam, my dog Mulligan getting 
> sick, the sorry assed state that the Bush administration has our 
> country in.....these are some of the things that have the power 
> to "rile me up". Your (or anyone else's) posts on FFL are play 
> time as far as I'm concerned.

Yup. They're just something to read and bounce off of
and occasionally think deeply about (*very* occasionally
these days) while sitting in cafes. I've met one person
here (you, Geez); the rest are just sparkles of phosphor
on a computer screen. Some of them are really *nice*
sparkles, almost always inspiring (like Rick), but others
tend to make me reach for the spritzer of screen cleaner 
after having read what they post, just to make sure that
the merde was really in their posts and not on the screen
itself.  :-)

> As I've said, I haven't seen Barry in 30 years. But I know he 
> is in the process of moving from France to Spain. I know that 
> Barry is a serious student of the arts...that this brings 
> him a great deal of joy. Barry is a lover of life, from 
> everything I knew, or now know about him. He also has one 
> of the most playful personalities I've ever known.

Aw shucks, man. But you left out the part about me being
a Bodhisattva. I hear that's what one is supposed to say
these days when complimenting someone.  :-)

>From my POV, I can say the same about Geez. Classic nice
guy, more prone to laugh than most, which in my book makes
him good company in almost any situation. Plus excellent
taste in music, which is important only if you're a fellow
music lover. 

> Curtis, I have never met. But I know he is a very accomplished 
> performing artist who gets massive pleasure out of listening to 
> and creating music. His posts tell me that he has a very wide 
> range of interests, a killer sense of humor and a keen intellect.
Curtis is another cool frood. The joy of being able to 
make a living doing what you love comes through his every
post. (As opposed to, say, the joy of paying a mortgage
by working at a job one doesn't feel good enough about
to ever mention what it is.) 

I find great joy in Rick, in Alex, in Tom T., in Marek,
in Edg, and in many other posters here. They are (IMO, of
course) here on FFL for the same reasons Geez presents
above -- to relax and have some fun. I don't get the 
feeling that any of them feels that their posts affect
the lives of the people who read them very much one way
or another, and that's just fine.

Compare and contrast to those who seem to feel that their
presence here is some kind of duty or obligation or quest
for Truth, and that their posts keep those they debate 
with up at night or "devastate" them. Can you *say* self
importance? Can you think of any better definition of
"taking ones self too seriously?"

> Do you really believe that your posts here on FFL have caused 
> any of us, or Sal or Rick.....loss of sleep or the slightest 
> ripple in our sense of well being?
> C'mon Jim, get over yourself!

Or learn to love it and stop denying that you have one.
Either path would be preferable to the current act, and
might enable you to have the same kind of fun that others
here seem to be having. 

And ferchrissakes, *please* stop whining when people 
don't believe your claims of realization. Whining about
that subject is pretty much equivalent to lack of 
realization, n'est-ce pas?

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