I found this interesting when I was visiting, it was right around the time when 
this Guy in 
California was executed- Tooky Williams or however you spell it. 

I was talking with SwamiG in the Ashram, which always means it is Satsang. I 
think Satsang 
means association with Truth. If that is so, there is a transmission that 
occurs- shaktipat- 
so shatipat comes out of satsang.

Anyway, I was surprised at the comments and they were interesting. I will do my 
best to 
convey it. Swami G said there is no death, all is eternal. These people have 
lost their 
chance this time around. Swami G said " I would even administer the chemicals" 
. They will 
get some help on the other side. They are in a hell relm and will be with a 
like kind.

It is not out of retribution to execute them but for those reasons above. it 
balances out 
what they have done. Tokey Williams said he had found peace. Swami G said if 
this is the 
case, what is better- sitting in the jail cell the rest of his life? and if he 
has not found this 
eternal peace, he will deal with the full effects of the returning Karma. Swami 
G said 
people may not like to hear this but this is the truth.

I told Swami G a comment from the late Charlie Lutes- he said they shouldnt 
people because all that stuff will be released into the envirornment. Swami G 
said that is 
nonsense, they take it with them.

Regarding animals, they have consciousness. It was said that Ramana Maharishi 
had an 
enlightened cow, and I think crow and maybe other animals. Swami G said it can 
but it is rare. Swami G has 2 dogs, and they sleep in the same bedroom. She 
said Chico 
just has a dog's consciousness. However , regarding Miss Rhade, Swami G asked 
me- have 
you ever seen devotion like that?

Swami G said not all Guru's agree with this. Other comments about eatiing meet, 
celebacy, all is covered in the satsang tapes.

Regarding the discussions at present, I found this in today;s posts, may apply:


 So I guess my question is to which degree we should get involved in
> discussions about worldly matters, where the egos desire to be right
> can be very strong.

G: the world is not going to change no matter how much you argue. If
you want to see global change FIRST begin with yourself and climb out of
your own suffering. Or must you impose your suffering on others by making
them Hear what the ME wants - desires - fears - etc. ? 

Regarding nabulouses comments to me:

You are disgusted with what I have to say? it is some comments- each receives 
it as they 
like. In summary, i was in TM, left to another path, come here and tell of the 
new path, and 
looks like point out what is in the new path that was not in the old, then 
finding faults in 
the old where could be improved, and even stating that the things that can be 
are in place in the new path.

Big range in FFL, some are anti TM, some are pro, maybe some have never had 
anything to 
do with TM, some were in TM, then left to one or more Guru's, etc- I think sky 
is the limit 
for what is here, I dont know exactly- havent been around for 3 years. So, 
depending on 
what your status is, this may have a big influeunce on what people have to say

I posted last year about this and saw like zero interest, this year is slightly 
above that so a 
change is there, break out the champagne !

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