Emily Latella "Never mind" department. See below.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I had no interest in your "spiritual experiences,"
> > > dearie. I was just wondering how far you'd go with
> > > this pretense of long weekends away from the com-
> > > puter. This one wasn't much longer than a usual 
> > > weekend, because you posted to the TM-Free blog 
> > > Friday afternoon, and here you are back on Sunday 
> > > afternoon, still in the same old mindstate.
> > . . .
> > And he was having orgasms at the thought that he
> > was going to catch me lying about how long I was
> > away. But then, when I fouled up his plans by
> > telling the truth--that I hadn't been away for 72
> > hours--in response to his lie, he lied *again*,
> > about when I had posted on TMFree, in an attempt
> > to recoup *something* from his failed ploy.
> Now *that* is curious. I understand that Judy
> is pissed off that her pretense of spending
> weekends away from the computer is blown. But
> *why* on earth would she accuse *me* of lying 
> about something that is right there on the 
> TM-Free website, and so easily verifiable by 
> anyone here? I noticed her comments today when 
> browsing the site for the first time in a long 
> while. (Hint: it's still boring.)
> She made two comments to TM-Free on Friday, 
> one to the thread about "Witnessing Sleep" at 
> 8:53 pm my time, which is 1:53pm her time if 
> I'm not mistaken. And she made another comment 
> to the "Obama in Fairfield" thread at 9:23pm 
> my time, 2:23pm her time. 
> Last I checked, both comments were made on 
> "Friday afternoon," just as I said. 

Mea culpa. The mistake was mine. I assumed
that the timestamps on TM-Free were like all
my other timestamps, and adjusted to display
in my time zone. They are not. They are in
the time zone of the server, which I have to
assume is on the East cost of the U.S.

So her comments to TM-Free were *not* made on
Friday afternoon, but on Friday night.

And her comment that I was "lying" about when 
she posted makes sense because (wait for this),
since my whole point was that she was...uh...
prevaricating a bit about these "long weekends 
away" of hers, I wanted to insinuate that this 
one was even *longer* than it really was.

Devious, nefarious person that I am, I wanted
to create the impression that Judy had only 
been able to "go away" for her "long weekend" 
sometime after Friday afternoon, and not some-
time after Friday *night*, as turns out to be
the truth. 

Oh, the extent to which liars such as myself 
will stoop in order to make her look bad, eh?

:-)  :-)  :-)

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