Namaste -
having spent some time together when you left the question you asked
just remained... about the saint and the realized Being.... and so
here is an extended answer.....

I guess the attraction to see a saint or realized
one is because I do not feel I am a saint or realized yet. My love of
God is so deep and so I like to be in the presence of those who are
realized or saints.

so now this is a big one to answer.... about saints and realization.....
First let's start with the definition of a saint...
1) in India sadhu's or (renunciates) ... are called saints...
2) a realized Being is called a saint
In judeo Christian terms a saint is someone that effaces self and that
lives a life of sacrifice for the good of mankind....
so let us begin with each of the different ideations of sainthood and
see where the realized Being fits in......
the easiest to begin with is of course the term saint that is used to
denote one that is realized.... this one of course fits.....
now to the more difficult to unwravel......
as to referring of the renunciate life.... the realized Being no
longer actively renounces... they are settled within and when nothing
is held there is nothing to renounce..... therefore That One that is
realized would not be termed a saint under that understanding......
there is no active renunciation that remains....
Next the judeo christian view....
for the realized Being there is no self to efface... nothing remains
within.... and there is no longer any self to sacrifice.... when
no-self remains what may be sacrificed? a saint lives in the ideation
of humility and sacrifice.... the realized being has no sense of self
identification and therefore no sense of humility nor may sacrifice
remain as there is no self to sacrifice....
sainthood may exist prior to realization but if realization is to be
entered into humility and sacrifice must be layed at the altar and yes
be willing to be transcended..... to be sacrificed....
so no the realized Being is not a saint in those terms..... he could
not be..... impossible.... the realized Being returns to the state of
absolute normalcy.... simply living the mystery of unfolding life.....
there is no longer any external knowledge.... nor ideation of
sacrifice..... nor ideation of humility.... although perhaps a natural
sense of humility may peek through.... as they know that there is
nothing to be known.... nor is there any higher nor lower among
anyone..... so in that sense perhaps those around may see them as
humble..... but within themselves there is the uttmost simplicity....
not striving to change the world nor seeking God or works.......but
simply Being as it IS.....
Every moment the hand of God moves - it is the great Mystery. Perhaps
others will adjudge one Realized as being a Saint - but they do all
things out of Flow not out of a persona attempting to reach something
or be something.
Love and Blessings Sat*Chit*Anand Shanti-Shanti-Shanti OM

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