New morning et al posts snipped:
When the heart is full, one sees love in everything. A
sweet radiant love -- emanating from everything. When one is Full of
It, one sees That everywhere. 

In that sense, I think it is still a projection, a line, of a
distinct, but "out there" not so significant personality. That is,
until there is no line anymore. But then its silly to say "It all is
ME". There is no IT and the there is no ME when the line is gone. Then
it makes as much or more sense to simple say "Chocolate Pudding" than
to say "Its ALL ME".

Or "ponder" and grok the flip side -- that You are a projection of IT.
It realizes that IT is YOU. And then the line disappears for It
projecting itself onto you -- and "Chocolate Pudding". (Then there is
no more flip side.)

The only reason anyone ever says Its all ME is that is how it feels.
There is also a change in POV when one is willing to admit that is how
it feels.  By saying It is all ME one is willing to admit THAT am I.
The way it is as IT or THAT is you living a life. By admitting and
saying how it is one allows the further clarification of THAT is YOU
which moves into THAT is THIS. And of course we can take it one step
further and we end up with THATS ALL FOLKS!. Tom T

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