Cognitive Dissonance, or just stress release??

tomorrow's (Friday 7/27) press conference with John Hagelin
is outlined in TMO Media Alert here:

where they state:

As predicted one year ago, a surging U.S. stock market has charged to
record-breaking highs, the longstanding nuclear crisis with North
Korea is quietly being resolved without incident, and public backing
and congressional support are on the rise for peaceful new approaches
to resolving the Iraq war and other conflicts around the world.

These dramatic and unexpected developments are just a few of the
concrete signs of the success of the Invincible America Assembly in
Iowa—the largest-ever scientific demonstration project to document the
effects of large group meditations on the economic and social trends
of the nation, according to Dr. John Hagelin, world-renowned quantum
physicist, executive director of the International Center for
Invincible Defense, and President of the Global Union of Scientists
for Peace, who is leading the Assembly.

Dr. John Hagelin to present preliminary findings of the
first year of the Invincible America Assembly—
and to lodge predictions for the coming year

This Friday, July 27, at 11:30 a.m. in New York, Dr. Hagelin will hold
a global news conference to announce the preliminary results of
research conducted during the first year of the Assembly—and to lodge
predictions for improvements to be seen in all areas of national life
for the coming year.

The news conference will be held at the Global Financial Capital of
New York, 70 Broad Street, which is one block from the New York Stock
Exchange. Members of the press are invited to attend the news
conference in person or view it live at


Meanwhile, back in the real world, Yahoo news reports the opposite:

AP - Nikkei Index Plunges 2.5 Percent
Thursday July 26, 9:20 pm ET

Nikkei Follows Wall Street's Fall, 
Declines More Than 2.5 Percent in Early Tokyo Trading

TOKYO (AP) -- Japan's main Nikkei stock index plunged 
more than 2.5 percent during early trading Friday, 
following an overnight fall on Wall Street.

The Nikkei 225 index lost 450.88 points, or 2.55 percent 
on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, to 17,251.21 points 
about 20 minutes after the market opened.
Prices tumbled after Wall Street suffered one of its 
worst losses this year Thursday as investors succumbed 
to months of worry about the mortgage and corporate lending 

The Dow Jones industrial average plunged 311.50, 
or 2.26 percent, to 13,473.57, its worst close 
since the 416.02 it lost on Feb. 27

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