--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, quantum packet
> <hyperbolicgeometry@> wrote:
> >
> > The Dalai Lama seems to imply that Buddhism has a lot "more" in
> > the relative sense; that accompanies Enlightment; i.e. in the
> > capacity to perform unnamed "feats" for the betterment of mankind. 
> > Looks like a 200% program to me, or 300%, since everything in 
> > Buddhism must occur in threes.
> >     Neo-Advaita - Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle, Gangaji, etc; doesn't 
> > have these added benefits.
> IOW, you're saying the Buddhist story is superior to the Neo-Advaita
> story. So, Buddhism actually *does* get into such infantile games!

...or some so-called "Buddhists" do, at any rate :-) 

Again, I am not a Neo-Advaitin, or a Buddhist, or a Christian, or a 
Hindu, or a Wiccan, though there are elements of all of these that I 
have found to be helpful in self-discovery and self-description.  In 
working with my particles, I am enlightening every Being in my 
universe, as I suspect the so-called "Neo-Advaitin" BK is also doing. 

FWIW my Universe -- my bodymind -- happily and miraculously supports 
and fulfills my every desire, generally almost before I realize I have 
the desire. I like BK's stuff, but I did not Awaken with it (though 
many of my particles have); when I Awakened, THAT which Awoke named 
itself Brahman, and Buddha, and the Crucifixion, for THAT was the death 
of the Witness into the great immensity. 

As "Brahman" I am the "Cosmic Consciousness" of my particles, and when 
Brahman discovers its ability to collapse into and relate with its 
particles, it enlivens "Krishna/Karttikeya" and then I am the "God 
Consciousness" or "Avatar" of my particles. When Wholeness discovers 
that I can "eat" my particles in the all-consuming fire of blissful 
love, it enlivens "Shiva/Vishnu" and then I am the "Unity 
Consciousness" of my particles.

All a story or a map of course, but as True as I can speak it in this 
moment :-)

I LOVE the image of Indra's Net, for its infinitely harmonious and self-
reflecting nature nicely captures the Being/Love aspects of Indra, whom 
we consider to be the original Vishnu. As we consider Rudra to be the 
original Shiva, our Sanskrit name would probably be "Indraprem 
Brahmajyoti Rudraananda" -- "the Being/Love of Indra (Vishnu), the 
Consciousness/Light of Brahma(n), the Bliss/Laughter of Rudra (Shiva)," 
this making up the whole of the Hiranyagarbha or Sat-chit-ananda torus. 
Or, for short, 


or, traditionally, *A*U*M*

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