On Jul 27, 2007, at 2:43 PM, Marek Reavis wrote:

In your opinion (and others), that was ultimately a bad decision, but
I feel that Maharishi's initial impulse was sincere and came from
heartfelt enthusiasm that what he was doing was following the
inspiration he received from Guru Dev.

I used to believe this as well. But once I began to hear that, even as early as the Beatles, they were clued in as to his business posturing and "plans" -and- I had heard that SBS had told him (wildly paraphrased)'Mahesh go to the mountains and meditate otherwise the only thing you'll ever be good at is making money', that clued me into the inescapable conclusion that there was very clearly a money motive behind all the Vedic drama. Bizarrely, there is also a modicum of sincerity that one can sense. But we are can all be sincere in our jobs if we and our families are the ones that benefit!

And for me (and obviously, several others) for whom his meditation
has proven itself to be of the highest value, it's kind of difficult
to find fault, even while recognizing that there are problems and
issues in the way his movement has played out and the fallout that
has caused in many others' lives.

Well I would have to agree that, for me, in the early stages of meditation praxis, it was very good for me.

But having said that, I should also tell you that I've had numerous traditional Vedic astrologers and sages tell me that it was 'in the stars' that I would refind my previous devata (and that turned out to be the case). It just happened that TYM did that for me...so I do complain as a satisfied ($35) customer! :-)))

I just don't want it to be seen as the "be all and end all" of meditation methods. I feel that is deceitful and dishonest


I do believe I may have overdone my messages...my apologies, I will subtract and be mindful not to be so distracted in the future!

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