> > > The Tantras were composed during the Gupta Age. 
> > > 
Vaj wrote:
> > The tantras pre-date written history,
> >
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense: the tantric texts were 
composed before written history! 

"Kanishka had clearly revived Ashoka's policy of patronising 
the Buddhist sangha and promoting the spread of Buddhist 
doctrine. From Chinese sources it was even known that the 
first Buddhist missionaries to China had set out from India 
in 65 AD. 

It was therefore probably under the Parthians or the Kushanas 
that the monks Dharmaraksa and Kasyapa Matanga had made their 
way to China, there to found the first monastery and begin 
their work of preaching and translating the sacred doctrines" 


'India: A History'
by John Keay
Atlantic Monthly Press, 2000

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