boo_lives wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> mainstream20016 wrote:
>>> The SuperRadiance total yesterday evening in Fairfield was 1,717.
>  It was only the third time 
>>> this summer to reach 1700. The Dow is up 85 points this morning. 
> Could the recent market 
>>> correction be over ?  Go Long and Strong in the markets, because
> the MUM student and 
>>> faculty are returning, and 500 more Vedic Pandits are expected in
> the coming months.
>> Go smoke another chillum full,  85 points is nothing.  There is much 
>> more trouble ahead.  We've been living too high on the hog for too long.
> TM TBs seem to equate a positive stock market with national
> enlightenment.  A rising market is positive for stock owners for sure.
>  But it's a more complex overall situation morally.  More cancer and
> sickness due to lax envt regulation of carcinogins forcing people to
> go bankrupt paying for medical care is good for the stock market, wars
> and their no-bid contracts to war profiteers like Halliburton is good
> for the stock market, subsidies to big industrial farms using
> genetically engineered seeds and keeping small organic farms down is
> good for the stock market, being able to sell toxic products from
> china to american consumers is good for the stock market (getting
> caught is bad) -- all sorts of things that hurt individuals and small
> businesses but are good for large corporations are good for the stock
> market.  Lots of people now own some stock in their 401Ks so a rising
> market helps their retirement portfolio no doubt, but I'm saying it's
> not a clear cut correlation between "rising national consciousness"
> and a rising stock market.  And there are definitely times when a
> correction in the market is actually a healthy sign of common sense
> returning.
The ME probably does some good for Fairfield but I'm not even sure if 
they practiced in a building on Wall Street they would really effect the 
market that much.  A good effect might even be it's crash i.e. market 
correction.  After all the US economy is really one big maya.   If there 
were any credibility to the ME then Kumba Melas would produce profound 
results but we don't see that when they happen.

Billions were put into the economy last week to prop it up.  The calming 
is a result of that.   I follow economics a bit and watched Helicopter 
Ben Bernanke nervously respond to questioning in front of a Senate 
Committee on C-SPAN.  Why was he nervous?  He was lying through his 
teeth and I knew it.

And printing more money can lead to hyper-inflation like the Wiemar 
Republic in the 1930s.  And don't forget that the dollar has been 
declining in value and it takes more in stock value to make up for the 
decline.  That's why the market went over 14,000 at one point.

We see the CEO of Countrywide saying today that the subprime debacle may 
cause a recession.  He would probably like to say "depression" as I'm 
sure he thinks that is what it will really happen but if he did he would 
cause a panic.

As for 401K and IRAs I've been rebalancing mine and moving into cash (if 
even that will do any good).   I like to point out that during the 
banking crisis in Argentina in 2000-2001 many people lost their 401K's 
and IRAs and they were confiscated.  This is a little reported crisis 
but there have been some excellent documentaries on it.  It was the IMF 
that precipitated it and the IMF has been warning the US for the last 
two years that it could happen here.

So a lot of those monster homes that people bought over the last 10 
years will probably turn into boarding houses and where they can into 
apartment complexes if the owners want to hold on to them.  That's what 
happened in the Great Depression.

Be wary of stockbrokers too.  Most of them have one job: to sell you 
stocks.  They lie through their teeth to get those sales.

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