Vaj wrote:
> refers to the technique of the sacrifice, 
> the creation of man in five stages and the path 
> of the gods.
You are incorrect. The passage refers to the sacrificial 
breath in speech. Mircea Eliade writes in 'Yoga: 
Immortality and Freedom' citing the Kausitaki Brahmana 
Upanisad: 'As long, verily, as a person is breathing, 
he is not able to speak. Then he is sacrificing speech 
in breath. These two are unending, immortal oblations; 
whether waking or sleeping, one is sacrificing 
continuously, uninterruptedly. Now, whatever other 
oblations there are, they are limited, for they 
consist of works. Knowing this very thing, verily, 
indeed, the ancients did not sacrifice the Agnihotra 
sacrifice' (Hume, 51). 

"The true sacrifice consists in oblations to the breaths: 
'if one offers the Agnihotra sacrifice without knowing 
this - that would be just as if he were to ... pour the 
offering on ashes." According to Eliade, "This form of 
sacrifice is generally given the name 'mental sacrifice.' 
We should prefer to call it 'ritual interiorization,' for, 
besides mental prayer, it implies a profound assimilation 
of the physiological functions to the life of the cosmos" 

The passage cited without a doubt refers to certain yogis, 
fakirs and ascetics who practiced yogic pranayama.

Work cited:

'Yoga: Immortality and Freedom'
By Mircea Eliade
Princeton U. Press, 1969

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