I know several people who give the Oneness Blessing
and took leyham. They both told me it was used as a
purgative and they physically purged quite a lot from
their bodies. It was not particularly pleasant but
were glad they did it. On my 21 day process it was not
given. I went to a pharmacy in Chennai but could not
find it or I would have used it too. 
MAny of us liked Freddy and still do but he had a
falling out with the Oneness movement and after trying
wit h him several times he just had to go his own way.
My first deep witnessing experience came after a
weekend seminar wit h him and Madeline. It was quite
fantastic and made me eager for more. I then went to
India. The dasas(servants) are fantastic. It is not
like the TM movements higher ups. These are truly
people there to serve and all have gone thru much
personal growth themselves. It is quite devoid of the
spiritual hierarchy seen in spiritual movements and is
also devoid of the "shoulds". 
Much growth has occurred these past 2 years for me. I
continue my daily meditation twice a day for an hour
each time and find it often deep and moresatisfying
than ever before. Other valuable changes have occurred

for which I am grateful however I am not in need of
someone to direct my life as t o what I should do. I
take advice from the saints much the way I take advice
from a stockbroker or my auto mechanic. I evaluate it
and if it suits my agenda I accept it, if not I dont.
It is for me much theame way I read this chat group.
Most of what is on here is irrelevent and once in a
while a pearl comes thru.

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