Anyone here want to give me John Manning's street address?

Anyone?  I'll keep you as my source a secret as far as I legally can,
and pledge not to reveal it here.

Probably, I could google it and find it, but maybe one of you knows
the most recent address.


--- In, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Gang, let's take a vote!  Who's a bigger liar and fuckhead?  John or
> > Edg?  I await the decision of the group.  Right now, I'd say John'll
> > get four votes automatically, but after that, he might be in for an
> > onslaught of naysayers. I'm thinking I'm going to win, cuz I haven't
> > been here long enough to stomp on many toes -- hee hee, but John, it
> > seems you are a well known by many here -- are you on the thin ice I
> > think you are?
> > 
> > Give me your address John Manning, and I'll get my lawyers on it.
> > Could be fun watching the Judge writhe at the statements we'd be
> hurling!
> > 
> > What the hell did I do to you that you should show me such hostility?
> >  I haven't attacked you, and I only spoke the absolute truth about
> > what I heard Charlie say in front of hundreds of others.  And suddenly
> > you pop up with a machine gun blasting.
> > 
> > For you to attack me so viciously must mean you're having a bad
day, eh?
> > 
> > Nab, you can stop being worried that I'll hunt you down.  I got
> > something better to do now!
> > 
> > Come on John, gimme your address -- if you don't give it, then you
> > must be afraid of the legal consequences, eh?
> > 
> > I'm on record here many times in a confessional mode with my heart on
> > my sleeve.  I've admitted to making a ton of mistakes -- even being
> > overly angry in my responses to others here, but I don't see much
> > humility in your posts.  
> > 
> > And my memory is spot on about that day I heard Charlie talk about
> > Jesus and the spaceship and the pyramid.  He fucking said it.
> > 
> > Yet, I'm scratching a bloody furrow in my scalp here, because you have
> > this "good side" that you present, and you obviously have wonderful
> > tender feelings and thoughts and a good soul -- from time to time.
> > 
> > Here's John's words from a previous post:
> > 
> > "Brahmachari Satyanand had been a disciple of Guru Dev for many
> > years. He later worked with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to help bring
> > Transcendental Meditation to the world. I had the great honor of
> > having met and spoken with him two times." -John Manning
> > 
> > Now, I ask you, John, if Brahmachari Satyanand (I've never heard a bad
> > word about him.) was a regular poster here, would you have still
> > called me a liar and a fuckhead?  Would you like to re-write your
> > response?  I can let bygones be bygones if you'll merely admit that I
> > was telling the truth as far as I could tell but that you think I was
> > wrongly remembering the incident.  
> > 
> > That I can do, but letting you call me a liar (a mindful intent to be
> > immoral on my part is the accusation, right?) and a fuckhead (er, are
> > you saying that I'm somehow involved with an orifice of some
> > gargantuanosity into which a my head is inserted repeatedly for some
> > sort of deviant and sick entertainment? Or, are you saying that my
> > head should be fucked?  Confused here if you're really trying to get a
> > slander suit going, or if you're gay and coming on to me.  So, I await
> > your definition so that I can explain "your words" to my lawyers.)
> > 
> > Can you admit to not having been at that Berkeley Center meeting?  Can
> > you come up with one reason why I might lie about Charlie in such a
> > manner if I didn't think it was true?  Just to be sure you understand
> > me, I would think that if I lied about such a thing that I would be,
> > yes, a liar and fuckhead and that I should be abused no end for it. 
> > So, when you accuse me of such a dastardly crime, I'm pretty much okay
> > with getting revengeful on your ass. 
> > 
> > The swiftness of the appearance of your anger bespeaks of some other
> > source that has nothing to do with me, but I'm your target?  Kick the
> > dog?  Someone you love dying?  What?
> > 
> > If so, stop now, cuz I'm retired and got the cash and my lawyers love
> > me cuz I'm putting their kids through college.  I think lawsuits are
> > funzies!  It's a hobby of mine.  Just now finishing up one -- which
> > I'm winning hands down -- and I'll have to fill the upcoming void. 
> > You want a piece of me?  I'm rubbing my hands in glee!
> > 
> > Give your address or be exposed as a coward who won't stand behind his
> > slander once it's been loosed upon the world.
> > 
> > Edward William (aka Edg) Duveyoung -- waiting for a moral act by John
> > Manning in front of a group of his peers.
> Go fuck yourself, little man.

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