--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rick, 
> You want a great message board, but I'm finding your "support" of
> trolls to be dangerously near to "enabling" slander -- not to mention
> the attempts of trolls to emotionally abuse folks.  Rick, how many
> more folks will leave this place because you think trolls are cute and
> "add to the mix?"  Don't deny it.  There's been many a mind here that
> was just abused down to a nub, while you watched it.  I'm almost ready
> to leave, and Turq just said the same thing.  TURQ DON'T LEAVE
> I'm not a prude or some anal type trying to lay down some hardass
> morality.  It might be quite acceptable to have a sort of locker room
> mentality here -- the put-downs could be a good natured but gentle
> chiding, but these trolls here are out to piss folks off plain and
> simple, and they take the meanest route possible every time.  
> Rick, I know you have thought for hours and hours about this, but, I
> ask you to look into your heart and to more deeply consider this
> issue, because, in light of the fact that you are not controlling the
> trolls, I think you are harming the community here.  That said, I AM
> If you truly like the angst here, think deeper.
> And with Maharishi's death just around the corner, Fairfield Life may
> become an incredibly important hub to find a leader, a flag, a notion,
> something to rally around and have Fairfield -- the New Age City --
> really blossom.  Now that would be a wonderful thing for the whole
> community, right?  But, with the trolls here, it just won't happen
> with their typical vilifications.  
> Good folk trying hard to make things better just won't put up with
> abuse such as is daily seen here.  
> Mr. Gorb....er, Rick tear down this wall!  
> This wall of trolls that keeps the good folks who really would love a
> dialog of import and a peaceful meeting place of quiet minds thinking
> deeply about the potentials that Fairfield could finally achieve.
> I'm a romantic fool, go figure, but I have a dream of this place being
> where free minds think aloud freely and yet no one is hating anyone
> else's differences -- you know, what we all believed that TM would
> automatically guarantee us.  A place where silence is the worst
> Well, no luck so far, eh?  
> So I say, Jai Guru Rick -- lead us to the community light. 
> I'll be there for that vision.  And here's the price I would pay for
> it:  I'll never use another swear word here, never take offense, never
> abuse, never use, never lie, never insinuate, never bait, never troll.  
> I'll be your number one disciple if you change this group into the
> enlightened community that it truly can be.  All the other cities that
> could possibly fill this role, Ashland, OR for instance, can't hope to
> beat Fairfield if Fairfield got rid of its only-TM-works prejudices.
> And, Rick, you don't have to do anything mean.
> All you have to do is say, "If someone is mean, out they go, and that
> goes for Edg and everyone else.  One strike, out you go." And, I say,
> let all the trolls stay here and see if they can follow the plan of
> being simply decent. If not, then they kick themselves out since
> they'll know you mean what you say.  Not your fault!
> And if you don't want to be a morality cop, let me do it.  Who knows
> immorality from the inside out like I do, eh?  I tell ya, I'm psychic!
>  I can spot besmirching from fifty yards out!  One strike and out.
> Give peace a chance.  
> All in favor, say "aye."
> Edg

--Mommy! Mommy! the mean man who I trashed and threatened to sue his
pants off for accusing me of lying keeps being mean to me! He just
said - for everybody to see - that I'm 'insecure' and a 'nutjob'! Of
course that was after I said some really mean things about Judy, ...
but, but, ...she deserved it! 

I thought everything was OK when I trashed Nablussos. But now somebody
is being mean to ME! Make the bad man go away Mommy ...please Mommy!--

My goodness. How embarrassing.

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