Richard J. Williams wrote:
> Rick writes snipped:
>>> --- many have left because they got sick of the bickering, 
>>> even if they didn't participate in it. You and the rest 
>>> of the AMT crowd have been valuable contributors, and I 
>>> would hate to lose you, but as I recall,FFL was a much 
>>> more harmonious place before you all arrived. 
> Tom T wrote:
>> We all are sick to death of it. If you insist then take 
>> it back to AMT where no one gives a sh*t what you say or 
>> do.
> You tell 'em, Tom - send the rascals, Judy, the two Barry's
> BillyG, Kirk, John, George, and Vaj back to Usenet where they 
> belong, so they can bicker all they want to. Why they'd want
> to post here is beyond me. Only one of them, that I know of,
> has ever even been to Fairfield, IA, but none of them have
> porbably been within 1,000 miles of a Marshy Golden Dome of 
> Pure Knowledge in over twenty years. This used to be a nice
> forum to visit. Whatever happened to those nice guys Tom Pall 
> and Steve Perino? 
You're an AMT alum too and very well known for your trolling there.  
FYI, I have been in Fairfield, IA.  Put that in your chillum and smoke it.

I don't think that Rick wants to limit FFL to bliss ninnies.  He 
probably wouldn't stick around himself.

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