The Bridge ~ Step 40 ~ The Tenth Intent ~ Synergize

    I see Humanity as One. I enjoy gathering with light-hearted people 
regularly. When we come together, we set the stage for Great Oneness to reveal 
Itself.  We synergize.
   Now that we've formulated our vision of a better world and expanded it by 
sharing it with others, it's time to bring it into physical manifestation. To 
do this, we must come together. We must begin to make good use of the gifts 
that community has to offer.
       In the dozen years that I've been taking part in Intenders Circles 
across the country I've seen a lot of amazing things happen within the dynamics 
of a group. I've seen people who were introverted and frightened open up; I've 
seen my friends totally and utterly fulfilled; I've seen strangers recognize 
each other as long-lost soul family; I've seen tears of joy flow and laughter 
abound. But there is one thing that happens in our Intenders Circles that, to 
me, is better than all the rest. It's what I call Synergy and, if we do things 
right, and set the stage properly, a very special feeling - a feeling of 
Oneness - will engulf the room and everyone in it. When this happens, it's as 
if we've completely let go of our connection to the cares and worries of the 
day and melted into something larger than ourselves. That's what Synergy is - 
it's what occurs when the whole becomes something greater than the sum of its 
individual parts. Put another way, it's when you put things
 together and "something extra" that you may not have expected takes place.
   I have memories of a time, tens of thousands of years ago, when we were much 
more powerful than we are now. Groups of eight of us (or sometimes sixteen) 
would go into caves especially designed for their symmetry and we would sit in 
a perfect circle with giant crystals behind us which were connected to the 
crystalline benches we sat on. We agreed beforehand on a few specific objects 
that we intended to manifest, and then we would meditate and concentrate our 
imagination on those objects - and soon, sometimes instantaneously, they would 
materialize at a point in the exact center of the circle, floating in mid-air, 
right in front of us.
       What we found in our Intenders Circles is that we can set the stage for 
an experience of Synergy to occur by following The Oneness Formula. The Oneness 
Formula consists of six steps we go through after everyone has finished stating 
their gratitudes and intentions. They are: 1) Sitting or standing together in a 
circle; 2) Touching; 3) Inviting; 4) Turning; 5) Toning; and 6) Holding the 
Silence. We've discovered that when we follow these steps, the electricity, the 
magic, the Oneness, the special feeling which brings us closer to God usually 
happens. We have taken the adage: "Anywhere two or more are gathered in My Name 
(or for the Highest Good)," and put it to it's best use. After all, isn't that 
what people are supposed to do when they gather together for spiritual 
purposes? Wouldn't it be wise for us to explore the highest of experiences 
available to us whenever we come together? These are some of the questions we 
sought to answer as we began to tap into the power
 of the Intenders Circle .
  My intention for today is:
I intend that I remember that in order to have peace, people must work together.

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