In a message dated 9/3/07 12:38:30 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Anyway, Jesus, coming back in the lifetime where he was crucified,
Was due to the previous lifetime and the murder of Bathsheba's  husband.
This whole thing, about Jesus dieing for our sins is a big crock.
It was used to get people to pay, big time, to the church to be  forgiven,
And be able to get into heaven after they died.
The Romans were not only after taxes during the day,
But used the fear of Jesus to also collect taxes, in the darkness of  night.
r.g.  madison,wi.  september,  2007

The problem here is that Judaism doesn't teach reincarnation. "It is  
appointed for man to die once then be judged". The corruption of the church you 
mention, paying for penance, came long after the death of Christ. However  
is an Old Testament tradition, not to gain salvation, but to reap the  
blessings of God. The "whole thing" about Jesus dying for our sins was  
long before the Romans had anything to do with the church. It was a  Jewish 
thing at the time. "Christianity" was a Jewish cult or sect for the first  
hundred years or so and Jesus was looked upon as being the "ultimate" Passover  
lamb who's blood protected one from the wages of sin, which is death and  
damnation through separation from God. Also the shedding of a lambs blood was  
prescribed method or sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin. The blood was  taken 
and sprinkled over the mercy seat where God met with his high priest.  Under 
the mercy seat were placed the Ten Commandments, in the Arch, and God did  not 
see the law through the blood thus did not judge one by the law. Jesus was  
looked upon as a Priestly King who shed his own blood for the remission of sin  
and it is his blood that is placed over the mercy seat so God the Father does  
not judge one by the law. You either believe it or you don't. Of course 
another  picture of Christ in the Torah is when Moses placed a bronze serpent 
on a 
flag  standard, a cross, so those that had been bitten by snakes and scorpions 
could  sit beneath it and gaze upon it with faith and be healed. The  snake 
was a prophecy of Jesus becoming pure sin while on the cross,  taking on the 
sins of those that believed. So none of this had anything to  do with the 
trying to suck money out of the pockets of the people. It was  about Jewish 
prophecies in the Torah and Tenach.

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