""Ron Paul Leads Republicans in Web Traffic by a Whopping 45%"" 

Christopher Costigan 
Friday Aug 3, 2007 

""If web traffic has any relevance in determining which candidate 
becomes the next US President, Ron Paul has just won....by a long 

A recent review by ClickZ.com has the Texas Republican representative 
with 45.38% of the overall market share, followed by Mitt Romney at a 
distant 13.93%. Ron Paul gained 6 percentage points over the previous 
week. Both Rudy Giuliani and John McCain lost around 4 percentage 

Among the Democrats, Barack Obama continues to be a strong front 
runner, though he lost 6 percentage points following the CNN/YouTube 
Debate while Hillary Clinton at 24.14% gained nearly 5 percentage 

Interestingly, Ron Paul has taken the lead from Obama among all web 
searches (Democrat and Republican) this week.""


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