"* Purusha: Purusha are single men devoted to a programme carefully
designed by Maharishi for those who wish to dedicate themselves fully
to the most rapid pace of evolution possible and creating world
peace. This is accomplished through the extended group practice of
the TM-Sidhi programme and activity dedicated to the fulfilment of
the many programmes of Maharishi's worldwide movement."

I thought this part was interesting in light of the many debates here
about whether or not MMY has an official program of service as a
technique for evolution.  This program which is obvious to people who
have served on it.  Is "Global Good News" an official mouthpiece for
the movement?  (The lack of understanding the historical significance
of the term "Good News" from the Christian context makes me think it
might be, like the equally historically nearsighted term, "Age of
Enlightenment".)  If this is the official description of the program
it does spell out the details of the program and may spark an
interesting discussion.

So how is the most rapid pace of evolution possible?  By rounding and
service to MMY's global schemes.  Perhaps, after his time out, Shemp
would like to comment on this official TM program?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maharishi speaks to Purusha - Part I
> by Global Good News staff writer
> Global Good News    
> 4 September 2007
> Speaking recently to groups of the Maharishi Purusha(sm)* Program 
> around the world, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global 
> Country of World Peace, said: 'The joy is a magic clarion call 
> created by Purusha in so many parts of the world. [In] so many parts 
> of the world Purusha [infinite silence] is lively, and it was so 
> heart-rendering, so fulfilling, the voice of Latin America, the voice 
> of Latin America nourished by Raja Luis [Dr Jose Luis Alvarez Roset], 
> the Raja of Latin America. 
> 'Now his voice is, ''I am Purusha. I am Purusha. I am Raam Raj 
> Sanchalak. That means, ''I am the administrator of the administration 
> of Raja Raam.'' 
> 'Who is Raja Raam? Raam Brahm Paramaratha Rupa. Raam is pure 
> spirituality. Unity consciousness. Brahm [Totality]. ''I am Brahm. 
> Raam Raj Sanchalak hain.'' This is the Hindi echo of the English 
> version of 'I am the administration of the Constitution of the 
> Universe. I am Purusha.' 
> 'From where is this voice coming? It's coming from a level of Total 
> Natural Law, which has been brought to human awareness by the present 
> day scientists like Dr John Hagelin [world-renowned quantum physicist 
> and Executive Director of the International Center for Invincible 
> Defense in New York City, USA.]. 
> Maharishi said to Dr Hagelin, 'You are enjoying the miracle of your 
> students. You have taught them that there is one Unified Field—one 
> Unified Field at the climax of all diversity, very well united 
> together. There is the seat of Purusha. Purusha is a silent witness. 
> Purusha in himself, Purusha in his self-referral state is all by 
> himself, and all by himself he is the be-all and end-all of 
> existence. 
> 'And that element, the be-all and end-all, is expressing itself, 
> singing the song of its dignity, of its magnanimity, of its 
> invincibility; singing the song in the original culture language of 
> the land of the Veda, India, Bharat. Bharat means Pratibharat, and 
> Pratibharat means all glory, all dignity, Totality, completely self-
> referral, all by itself. Complete silence, but the basis of all 
> activity, the unity of all diversity. This is being sung on the other 
> side of the globe today. 
> 'And what is today? The Raja of India has asked his Chief 
> Administrator to collect 20,000 Purusha in order to cater for the 
> requirement of invincibility of all the 192 countries in the family 
> of nations. Today they have been talking together. It was such a 
> delight for me to hear in the Global Family Chat that the echo is 
> coming from the other side of the globe. Another echo is coming from 
> another side of the globe. 
> 'We have heard from the Raja of Denmark a beautiful explanation, a 
> beautiful description of the quality of Danish national consciousness—
> Danish national consciousness in the form of Danish government on one 
> side, and in the form of Danish press on the other side, is demanding 
> to understand. It was such a joy to hear from the Raja of Denmark 
> that the press is demanding from all directions—singly, collectively—
> the government is demanding to understand the mechanics of 
> invincibility. They had a conference, and they have a meeting with 
> the government. 
> 'The government now wants to have meeting after meeting to understand 
> the Science and Technology Minister [of the Global Country of World 
> Peace]. It'll be such a joy to our Science and Technology Minister, 
> Dr Hagelin. Already Dr Hagelin has expressed his viewpoints—What is 
> invincibility in terms of science? Physical sciences, chemical 
> sciences, numerical sciences. What has science come to understand? 
> What science has come to understand [is] how the single individual is 
> competent to create reverberations on that level that is the level of 
> the Unified Field of all the laws of nature. 
> 'This is a demand from the government to understand, and from the 
> press to understand. . . . I'm expressing to Purusha something about 
> their personal experience, how the personal experience of the 
> individual Purusha is capable of producing national invincibility. 
> There is a demand from the government. There is a demand from one 
> level of national government in Denmark, and there is a demand from 
> another level of government, the level of Mayor—a Mayor of the town 
> near the capital city of Argentina. Mayor is also a level of the 
> government. 
> 'Here another level of the government is now commanding to 
> understand: ''What is that which can make the individual custodian of 
> that level of performance nourish every aspect of diversity in the 
> universe?'' Invincibility is a quality of consciousness on that level 
> which is the ultimate level of all diversity. That means, all [the] 
> action principle [is] accumulated on the level of the Unified Field 
> of Natural Law. 
> 'One wants to understand why, and I'm very glad to say that Purusha 
> is completely ready to satisfy this query of the world consciousness. 
> In one word, this has been answered ten years ago by the 
> administrator of the Global Country of World Peace, Maharaja Nader 
> Raam. From the platform of science he very simply declared in a 300-
> 400 page book, all the details of the functioning of the physiology 
> on the basis of how the basis of physiology, the field of 
> consciousness, functions within itself. 
> 'Functioning of the physiology is the demonstration of the outside 
> functioning, but the actual functioning takes place within the self-
> referral field of consciousness. Raja Raam was recognized ten years 
> ago by the wise of the [Transcendental Meditation] Movement that 
> there is the finer explanation that the world will always require, of 
> how the individual is able to demonstrate the functioning of Total 
> Natural Law. 
> 'How is the individual capable of demonstrating total Natural Law? 
> The answer is because the individual is constructed in terms of 
> Natural Law—total Natural Law. The individual is constructed, is 
> built in the nature of a cosmic reality that can create infinite 
> diversity—and not only create it, but maintain it, and not only 
> maintain it, but maintain its evolution to the supreme level of 
> ultimate Unity, Brahm. 
> 'Today this is the song of the world. Argentina is singing ''I am 
> that, and I am that, and I am that.'' And ''I am the mover of life, 
> and I am the Vedic administration. I'm the Vedic administration.'' 
> Vedic—that means, ''I am the motivator; I am the essential feature of 
> cosmic reality.'' 
> 'This is the song of Argentina today, in the scientific age, when our 
> scientists have determined in terms of equations, what the relation 
> is between the numbers and the basic value of number. What is the 
> basic value? What is the basic value of all numbers? I am speaking to 
> Purusha today and they are ready to explain to the world on the basis 
> of their experience how this happens in the individual—that he is 
> capable to command [total Natural Law], the cosmic administrator of 
> the ever-expanding universe; how the individual is able to command 
> the existence, Being. Unity becoming many, both things; Unified Field 
> and many becoming unified—one and many together, because the whole 
> visible, active physiology on all levels is the expression of 
> consciousness. 
> 'This is the glory of the scientific research of Maharaja Nader Raam 
> who declared—he declared not his dream, he declared not his personal 
> cognition, but he declared the reality of all diversity. From where 
> Raja Raam spoke? One simple example: There is a tree. What is a tree 
> after all? So many leaves, so many, many branches, so many, many 
> flowers, so many, many fruits, all multiple expressions, but of whom? 
> Of the sap. One. Now we say ''What is the sap?'' 
> 'One transcendental reality of the leaf. Same transcendental reality 
> of the branches, of the flowers, of the fruits. Transcendental 
> reality—that means reality beyond specified expressions. The reality 
> beyond specified expressions is one self-referral reality of the 
> leaf, so when we say a tree, we say ''Yes, so many things, but at the 
> basis of so many things is the transcendental sap.' So it is the 
> transcendental sap that is the reality. 
> 'When we say reality, that means it's a lasting something. Sap is a 
> lasting something, in the leaf, in the branches, in the flower, in 
> the fruit. It's a lasting something, and this lasting something 
> appears to be changing this into this. Branches into leaves, and 
> leaves into flowers, and flowers into fruits, into juice. All these 
> expressions are really—now I want to use that word—they are 
> the ''make-ups'' of the real, reality which is pure Unity on its own 
> level, transcendental reality. 
> 'The transcendental reality—every Purusha is the experiencer of that. 
> Now today Purusha's voice is no more the voice of only Purusha; it is 
> actually the voice of Purusha, but it's sung in the Hindi language in 
> Argentina. It is sung in the language of the government as an 
> inquiry. It is sung in the language of the press of Denmark as an 
> inquiry: ''Tell me how the individual can be so much that he is able 
> to command invincibility not only for himself but for his nation. Not 
> only for his nation, but for his world of diversity. 
> 'This is a question being demanded by the world. Purusha is 
> completely expressive, is completely—I won't say capable, because 
> there is a capability. This is very natural for Purusha to radiate 
> what he himself is, and what is a Purusha? Purusha knows. Others may 
> not know. Purusha knows what he is. Purusha knows he is out through 
> the senses, he is in through the mind. He is more in through the 
> intellect. He is more in through the ego, he is more in through the 
> cosmic ego, Brahm. 
> 'Aham Brahmasmi, ''I am Brahm''. ''I am Totality'' has been the 
> clarion call of the field of knowledge, Total Knowledge, sung in 
> India in the Vedic language. Aham Brahmasmi, translated in different 
> languages of India, and now we hear—it is such a joy—that the world 
> consciousness is echoing the same reality, echoing the same reality. 
> It was such a beautiful thing. 
> 'I would just like to hear it endlessly; these beautiful expressions 
> that Vaidik vishwa prashasak hain. Ham Raam Raj sanchalak hain. Ham 
> vaidik vishwa prashasak hain. Ham Raam Raj sanchalak hain. These, I'm 
> hearing the echo from India today, and the Raja of India is 
> organizing 20,000 Purusha, 20,000 Purusha to live this reality 
> that ''I am the administrator of Raam Raj.'' 
> ' ''I am the administrator of Raam Raj.'' This is heard from across 
> the globe; this is my Family Chat this evening—woven in the ultimate 
> thread of reality where every thread is well connected with every 
> other thread. ''I am Vaidik vishwa prashasak. Vaidik vishwa prashasak 
> hain ham. Vaidik vishwa prashasak hain ham.'' I admire your skill, 
> Raja [Luis], you are so successful, you are so successful, your 
> domain, 20-30 countries represented by the Lord Mayor. I would call 
> him Lord Mayor of Argentina, [he] is the Mayor of all the Latin 
> American countries, the great Mayor of Latin American countries. 
> 'Raja Luis, announce to the world the great sacred name of the Mayor. 
> What is his name? [Julio Pereira]. [He] is laying the foundation 
> stone of the Tower of Invincibility in his Mayorship there. This is 
> the voice of reality. This is the expression of that mechanics of 
> administration of the universe, where every little bit of multiple 
> expression is governed for its existence, for its evolution, and for 
> its coming together to function as Unity. 
> 'It is such a joy, and Purusha is completely competent. This is the 
> daily experience of the Purusha, this is the daily experience of the 
> Purusha that Purusha is completely out of the duality. Purusha is 
> hovering in his self-referral state of Being. And Purusha is now 
> capable of speaking with authority. Whose authority? The authority of 
> the eternal script of Natural Law, the Veda. Purusha has been looking 
> into his own experiences deep within himself. He is just himself. 
> Self-referral. Being self-referral, he has in his character a self-
> referral motion. Self-referral motion, for us to understand, is the 
> going out and coming in, going out and coming in, going out and 
> coming in. 
> 'It is exactly the same thing that happens to the sap, in a leaf, in 
> a flower, in a branch, the leaf. The leaf knows, ''I am all over the 
> leaf, and not only I am all over the leaf, I am all over the 
> thickness of the leaf, the thinness of the leaf, the branch of the 
> leaf, the flower of the leaf. I know that, I know that, I know 
> that.'' 
> 'What is there is omnipresence of the most fundamental, most basic 
> action. Most basic action; it is just made of action, but that action 
> is on the border of expression and the unexpressed state. 
> 'That's why it knows itself very well. It is an area in the middle of 
> Being himself, self-referral, and being himself on two levels—Being, 
> the unmanifest, and Being, the manifest leaf. Unmanifest sap and 
> unmanifest Being—this is the experience these days. This is the 
> experience these days of Purusha, when Purusha is experiencing that 
> which is all capability, to get everything done from that eternal 
> level of silence.' 
> * Purusha: Purusha are single men devoted to a programme carefully 
> designed by Maharishi for those who wish to dedicate themselves fully 
> to the most rapid pace of evolution possible and creating world 
> peace. This is accomplished through the extended group practice of 
> the TM-Sidhi programme and activity dedicated to the fulfilment of 
> the many programmes of Maharishi's worldwide movement. 
> 'Purusha is a very ideal programme.... It is a wonderful programme 
> for the individual to harness the full creative potential of Natural 
> Law and use it to enjoy bliss. World peace is a by-product of it. 
> Heavenly life on earth is a by-product of it.'—Maharishi 
> Please see also Purusha. 
> Global Good News will feature Part II of this article on 6 September. 
> Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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