--Excellent, thanks for this....sounds like the voice of direct 
experience.  Helpful would be some of the symptoms along the way, as 
well as a list of "entities" the person saw or heard in the form of 
subtle sounds; that could be taken as signposts along the way to a 
complete breakthrough.  This would include visions of the Radiant 
form of the Guru, if any.  In the Sant Mat Tradition (which almost 
exclusively emphasizes the 3-rd opening), visions of the Guru are 
considered to be the foremost indicator of a success, along with 
hearing various manifestation of the Sound Current.
 Charlie Lutes told me he could tune into the OM at will.

- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis" 
> from Perfect Madness, from awakening to enlightenment by Donna Lee
> Gorrell page 121:
> The third eye is the beacon to the inner universe that sees the 
> and outer as inseparable. This eye sees all creation as unified and
> yet permits one to operate within the world of complexities and
> multitudes. The opening of the third eye is the opening of 
> which is understanding and experiencing---in unison---life's
> phenomena. When the third eye opens, the intellect and the emotions,
> thoughts and feelings, can finally work together--as one.
> The opening of the third eye is the pure and simple cognitive 
> to see living Truth, unfettered and pure. Truth is not something we
> can put our finger on or file away as real or pertinent. It cannot
> even be written or talked about with any accuracy, for words are 
> pointers. The most amazing thing about the opening of the third eye 
> that it sees Truth as alive. Untouched by human intellect, unstirred
> by emotion, and undivided in its purpose. Truth is the living
> principle upon which the universe was and is created.

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