"You're only as old as the last time you REALLY changed your mind."

Shri Tim Leary 

Happy Birthday Vaj!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually the particles of my Self transcended mundane time years ago,  
> but thanks for the reminder. ;-)
> Thanks, a fav of mine to play!
> On Sep 12, 2007, at 11:19 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > Happy Birthday, Vaj.
> >
> > I hope it's a good day for you up in Maine or
> > wherever you are. Here's the song I always
> > play for myself on my birthdays. I probably
> > will continue to do so till they drop the
> > big curtain:
> >
> > I love the pounding of hooves
> > I love engines that roar
> > I love the wild music of waves on the shore
> > And the spiral perfection of a hawk when it soars
> > Love my sweet woman down to the core
> >
> > There's roads and there's roads
> > And they call, can't you hear it?
> > Roads of the earth
> > And roads of the spirit
> > The best roads of all
> > Are the ones that aren't certain
> > One of those is where you'll find me
> > Till they drop the big curtain
> >
> > Hear the wind moan
> > In the bright diamond sky
> > These mountains are waiting
> > Brown-green and dry
> > I'm too old for the term
> > But I'll use it anyway
> > I'll be a child of the wind
> > Till the end of my days
> >
> > Little round planet
> > In a big universe
> > Sometimes it looks blessed
> > Sometimes it looks cursed
> > Depends on what you look at obviously
> > But even more it depends on the way that you see
> >
> > Hear the wind moan
> > In the bright diamond sky
> > These mountains are waiting
> > Brown-green and dry
> > I'm too old for the term
> > But I'll use it anyway
> > I'll be a child of the wind
> > Till the end of my days
> >
> > -- Bruce Cockburn, 24 December 1989. Tucson, Arizona

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