--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been too busy to read much of FFL for the last couple of 
days, and I'm
> missing out on some great threads. I just wanted to post an 
analogy that
> expresses my attitude toward the issue of cordial speech and 
> If you all were to come to FF we were to assemble for a party, 
perhaps in my
> home, I'd expect all sorts of lively, heated discussions, debates, 
and even
> arguments. It would make for a great party. But if people were to 
> attacking one another personally, through insults or even 
fisticuffs, the
> atmosphere of the party would be spoiled for all. Many would leave.
> I think of FFL as a friendly gathering place where all are 
welcome. It
> provides a relaxed, open atmosphere where people can discuss 
anything freely
> – anonymously if they wish. That atmosphere is spoiled, just as a 
> would be, if people cross a certain line of civility. I think most 
of us
> know and generally can agree where that line is.
> Using this example makes it simple for me to distinguish 
appropriate from
> inappropriate speech on FFL. I hope others find it useful.
Fyi, I saw someone scarfing all your spinach dip when you went on 
that last beer run...:-)

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