DOME ANNOUNCEMENTS--Update on Men's Dome

The renovations to the men's dome roof are now complete - it is once
again a beautiful Golden Dome. Inside the work continues on the
bathroom, duct cleaning, and lobbies. One other important renovation
project was recently discovered in the dome that will take another
9-14 days to complete. So we will not be moving group program back
into the dome this weekend. We will, however, be moving the group
program from the Field House this Saturday to Frat 106 and 150 so that
MSAE can resume using the Field House for its students next week. All
the men who have been doing group program in the Field House should
start doing their program in 106 or 150 beginning Saturday evening,
Sept. 15. Please use the north door. We also need as many volunteers
as possible to help move the foam out of the Field House beginning at
10:00 am Saturday.

We thank everyone for your patience with this process and feel that
with the extra work we are doing over the next week we will have a
truly glorious dome in which to create coherence for the nation and
the world. We will let everyone know as soon as we have a date for our
grand re-entry into the Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge.

Jai Guru Dev

Dave Streid


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