Rick wrote:
  LOL, maybe we should get my enlightened people and your enlightened people 
together for a Sharks/Jets- style rumble.
  But seriously, if they agree with your characterization of true 
enlightenment, does that mean that they admit to having been neutered, or are 
you referring to the supposedly neutered people as not truly enlightened. If 
so, can you give us some examples of some of those? Shankara, Jesus, Buddha, 
etc. Did they cut deals with the gods?
  Bronte writes:
  There, now you're getting astute on me. 
  Okay. I don't mean either one. I think spiritually "neutered" people can be 
still enlightened (enlightened meaning brahman-conscious, for instance). You 
can connect wholly with the Ultimate having been neutered of your 
individuality. That's how the gods like it, because the "geldings" won't mess 
with their set-up. 
  Spiritually neutered masters have bought the party line and think the way the 
gods run things is just spiffy and the only way there is. For them, the world 
works the way it works because it's supposed to work that way because it's 
always worked that way. They have no belief in the concept of a radically 
different universe, a super-state quantum-like macroscopic universe, because 
that would require original thought, and they've declared death to their mind. 
  The other kind of master, the kind that has not self-annihilated, connects 
wholly with the Ultimate, knows he's wholly Brahman, while retaining his 
individuality perfectly intact -- rich with original thought, enthusiastic 
desire, dynamic personal power and even with siddhis. Both kinds of masters are 
enlightened. But the second kind is having much more fun. And is capable of 
doing much more dynamic good in the world. The reason is he's interested in 
doing. He is not detached. He's one with his thoughts and desires. He has 
  Of the historical figures you mention, I think Shankara probably and Buddha 
for sure was a death-to-the-little-me kind of guy. Jesus didn't seem to talk 
that way. 

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