--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Turq,
> About the Bronte thing, I resonate!!  I agree with your concepts.
> But, but, but.....Turq, I know I test your patience. I wish I were
> better at this "friend of Turq" business.
> Okay, here it comes....take a deep breath.
> Geeze, you lost it, and you're not feeling any need to explain or
> apologize or deal with it, eh?

Not a bit. I have a low tolerance for certain acts.

> Hee hee.  Now, that said, if it were a contest, I'd say you come in
> second place to me for "bad reactions" -- I win!  As proof, I offer 
> my posts regarding the word "liar."
> You're certainly one of the good guys here -- your great wisdom is
> shown by the delicacy of your perceptions and the nuances seen in 
> your creative writing -- I bow, man, you know I bow to your 
> manifestations.
> But, you know that Bronte is a newbie who hasn't read your many many
> posts about gurus, and well, you unloaded on her without pointing 
> out who you actually are, again and again if necessary 

To the contrary, I wrote a long, compassionate post
pointing out exactly who I was, in response to having
been taken for something else because (as far as I 
can tell) all she can see around her is what she 
projects there. I'm sorry, Edg, but right now, with 
my move to Spain and reinventing my life yet again 
and all, I just don't feel I've got the time to waste 
on people with whom the conversation goes sorta like

Person1: All you people who believe A, B and C are
so clueless. Why aren't you more like me who believes
X, Y and Z?

Person2: Excuse me? I think you've mistaken me for
someone else. I do NOT believe in A, B and C. I walked
away from A, B and C probably before you ever got 
involved with it. I'm really sorry for you that you 
now feel so badly about your involvement with A, B 
and C and that you seem to have some baggage associ-
ated with it, but I don't. It was an E-ticket roller 
coaster ride for me, and I enjoyed both the ups and 
the downs. Now, like you, I tend to resonate more 
with X and Y, although I think that Z is merely a 
manifestation of ego and not terribly productive.

Person1: Hey Turq and all you other A, B and C believers
out there, listen to this rant about how deluded you
A, B and C lovers are...

Sorry...complete waste of time. When and if she catches
a clue I'll come out to play, but not until.

My reaction may be colored by having been stalked on
this and other forums for *decades* by people around 
whom I just can't say shit without them jumping in and 
trying to suck me into a head-to-head argument with 
them. I'm just fuckin' tired of it. I've wasted far 
too much of my time dealing with these insecure energy 
suckers, and right now I'm more into saving my energy 
for more productive things.

If they get all hurt, tough. I'm through "playing nice"
with people who -- again, as far as I can tell -- just
want to suck energy and attention. I like playing with
folks who give as much as they take, who bring some-
thing positive to the table, and aren't just simple
contrarians. I *love* interacting with you, with Rick,
with Curtis, with Marek, with lurk and Alex, and with
many others here, because you all put energy back into
the system. You've all been around the block and, no
matter how you might rag on things from time to time,
you all take the time to praise and celebrate the
things that make you smile as well. That's a pretty
big indicator to me that someone has gotten past the
"me" stage of life and is dwelling more in the "we"

I'm no Mother Teresa or selfless saint. I've spent 
too many years on these forums trying to "get through"
to people whose idea of a good time seems to be head-
to-head arguments and/or trolling for attention. Now 
I just write them off. If they later begin to post 
more interesting stuff and I feel like responding to 
it, I will, and the past will be dust...I will try 
my best to not remember it and not base my present 
on remembered past behavior. But lately I've become 
very, very aware of time and how it just keeps tickin' 
away, and I'm not willing to waste much more of it.

If this seems harsh to you, so be it. I'm just so
TIRED of people telling me on these forums that I 
have to "justify" what I say because they don't like
it. If they don't like it, TOUGH BEANS. They are free
to write whole *novels* about how awful or untruthful
or inane or deluded my opinions are, and I would not
for a moment try to stop them from doing so.

But I don't have to respond to them. These days I try
to only respond to the things that give me something
fun to play with, mentally or verbally. Or that give
me an opportunity to crack a dumb joke. But I'm just 
not turned on by these long head-to-head-somebody's-
got-to-"win" encounters that a few people seem to 
live for. Let them have those conversations with other
people, who believe that they'll live forever and
that the time they spend in those arguments will seem
worth it to them as they're dying. I've done enough 
soul-searching and self-analysis to know that when my
time comes, having missed a few arguments with people 
I don't even know on the Internet is just not gonna 
be one of the things I'll think on as "lost oppor-
tunities" or look on with any kind of regret.  :-)

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