In a message dated 9/14/07 1:02:18 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

The  Religious Right and Anti-Gay Speech: In their Own Words

> explain. 

It's both a political tool and an industry unto  itself. See the following:

Homophobia Inc.: Christianist Message of  Hate Raises Hundreds of
Millions of Dollars - Tax-Free

Homophobia  has flourished in the Bush era, both as a potent political
tool and as an  industry unto itself.

— Many people believe George Bush would have lost  Ohio in 2004, and
thus a second term, if Karl Rove hadn't made sure there  was an
anti-gay initiative on the state ballot. —

In just one year,  the top 10 Christianist groups that promote
homophobia raised over $400  million in tax-free dollars:

* Christian Broadcasting Network  (CBN)
Founder, CEO and Director: Pat Robertson
2004 Revenue:  $186,482,060
* Focus on the Family
Founder and chairman: Dr. James C.  Dobson
2005 Revenue: $137,848,520
* Coral Ridge Ministries
Founder  and President: Rev. D. James Kennedy
2005 Revenue: $39,253,882
*  Alliance Defense Fund (ADF)
President, CEO and General Counsel: Alan  Sears
2004 Revenue: $17,921,146
* American Family Association  (AFA)
Founder and Chairman: The Rev. Donald Wildmon
2005 Revenue:  $17,595,352
* American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ)
Founder and  President: Pat Robertson, Chief Counsel: Jay Sekulow
2005 Revenue:  $14,485,514
* Family Research Council (FRC)
Founder: James C. Dobson,  President and CEO: Tony Perkins
2005 Revenue: $9,958,115
* Jerry Falwell  Ministries
Founder and Director: Jerry Falwell (deceased)
2005 Revenue:  $8,950,480
* Concerned Women for America (CWA)
Founders: Tim and Beverly  LaHaye
2005 Revenue: $8,484,108
* Traditional Values Coalition  (TVC)
Founder and Chairman: The Rev. Louis P. Sheldon
2005 Revenue:  $6,389,448

All of these groups use homophobia as a fundraising tool,  but while
some address a wide range of social issues, four of them — Focus  on
the Family, AFA, FRC, TVC — are one-trick ponies that focus all  or
most of their activities on promoting homophobia. (The late  Falwell
and CWA arguably could belong to this group too.) These four  groups
raised $169 million of the revenue in 2005.

If fundraising  for these four hate groups remains flat each year from
2005 through the end  of 2007, they will have raised about $500 million
among them in three  years. Tax free.

Now talk about your straw man. Here you take an extremist group, similar to  
the Ku Klux Klan and associate their hatred for homosexuals with anybody that  
is against the gay political agenda. If one is not accepting of  
homosexuality as normal and just an alternative life style, then you have a  
phobia, an 
irrational fear, a fear that you might have those tendencies within  you and 
must suppress them so nobody knows. Problem is you only have to be  against 
the gay political agenda to be classified a homophobe, not have an  irrational 
fear. Wow, nice try. But the fact remains most Christians resent a  group of 
people trying to change the culture and force them to accept a  lifestyle they 
find an abomination and against their values. Nothing wrong  with supporting 
politicians that will throw road blocks up to that. That doesn't  make somebody 
a *gay basher*.

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