There seems implicit in your word choices, such as "see here", that you are
referring to links that are not showing up in this message.  Please review
your message and any links to confirm whether any more than the two links
that I can find are what you intended to send.

On 9/15/07, oneradiantbeing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ron Paul Will Destroy America Taken
> from:
> america.html
> So, one of the big things that I keep getting grilled about with my
> criticism of Ron Paul is that people vehemently argue that the man
> isn't a racist. Well, I think I found the ultimate proof that I need
> to finally lay this to rest.
> The Ron Paul supporters are going to come out in force on this one,
> so it should be a good time, but let's hope Google and Yahoo pick
> this up so that the American people can know who this Ron Paul person
> really is.
> I just got finished reading an article by David Duke–a former "Grand
> Wizard" (read grand asshole) of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan–which
> I found rather enlightening. Besides being a former Grand Wizard, but
> has also been a Louisiana congressman, but he has also been convicted
> of mail fraud and filed a false tax return. All of this information
> is available on wikipedia at this URL:
> While David Duke's staff claims that he isn't explicitly endorsing
> any candidates, he says an awful lot of nice things about Ron Paul.
> He also does a lot of attacking those who criticize Ron Paul.
> Suspicious, no?
> Well, I found in the URL that one of the lovely Ron Paul supporters
> put onto my blog a link to a white supremacy site, so I've been doing
> a little digging. Here are some interesting things that I found.
> - Ron Paul has been the subject of no fewer than three articles on
> David Duke's personal site.
> - Ron Paul has been praised by the white supremacy group White Civil
> Rights
> - Ron Paul is published in white supremacist newspapers:See here
> I am nowhere near the only person suspecting Ron Paul of racism and
> or white-supremacy: see here, and here, and here
> - Ron Paul has a large volume of white supremacist supporters:
> racism and "jews" categories are particularly
> showing)
> - Ron Paul has ties to the John Birch society, a group of rather
> serious conspiracy theorists
> - The Alabama Green Party has identified Ron Paul as a racist and as
> dangerous to the United States of America: see here, and don't forget
> to read the laundry list of racist comments
> - Ron Paul has a disgusting track record when it comes to
> environmental protection: see here(PDF)
> - Ron Paul voted against H.R. 9, called the "Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa
> Parks, and Coretta Scott King Voting Rights Act Reauthorization and
> Amendments Act". This bill passed 390-33 and is to protect the rights
> of Americans to vote, and to protect voters before, during, and after
> the polls: see here
> Do I really need to go on? Ron Paul is will destroy America. As I
> hope to make this the last post dedicated to this festering pustule
> on the face of America, I would like to thank all of Ron Paul's
> supporters who have helped me to really discover how horrifying this
> man really is. I would especially like to thank Josh, who so
> conveniently linked himself to the Ku Klux Klan by putting his blog's
> URL in his comment this evening. I really could have not informed
> readers this well without you.


Dharma Mitra

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persons deserve to lead others, in any capacity. Anything less is a menace
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