The only guidance needed is one's own inner guidance. It's the nature of the 
human spirit to wake up. 

Ron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          This looks like it could be kundalini awakening or attempting to 
awake - good to have 
proper guidance, this is not available in TM- it requres working directly with 
a kundalini 
master that has traversed the kundlini path from start to realization.

In case you have not noticed, I am in the kundalini path but there are also 
other such 
masters that are capable to guide.

Kundalini especially is active around 3 3o am, if it is an on going thing and 
not ocasional, 
then this may be the awakened kundalini- it cant be switched off- it can be the 
blessing or greatest curse- most likely the former when proper guidance is in 

--- In, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In, Bronte Baxter 
> <brontebaxter8@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Off-World, this is absolutely exciting. I've always wanted to 
> talk to someone who was having red-hot, metal-melting kundulini on an 
> almost daily basis. I have so much I want to ask. So here goes, with 
> inserted questions below. (For anyone who missed Off-World's 
> fascinating post, I've also left the original intact at the bottom.)
> > 
> > Off-World wrote:
> snip
> > It is full of bliss, all-power, bright light, emptiness, and fear 
> all 
> > at the same time. Very strange.
> > 
> > 
> > Hmm. I don't feel fear or emptiness when I have the burning, 
> although I don't like it when I want to fall asleep. Can you sleep 
> when this is going on? >>
> It is like a half-way sleep, sometimes asleep, often woken up, and 
> often aware of it during sleep. Sometimes softer, sometimes stronger. 
> > 
> > About the fear and emptiness ... what is it that's empty? What is 
> the fear OF? That you will burn up? I>>
> The fear is of anihilation. It seems like anihilation, like something 
> else could take over that is not me, but I have come to the point of 
> facing that very powerful sense, and not fearing the fear so to speak.
> <<< have considered sometimes that if the burning I feel got much 
> more intense, it WOULD be scary -- I'd be afraid I was going to burn 
> up. Do you think people CAN burn up from kundulini?>>>
> I don't know. Part of what I am getting is that it could destroy me, 
> but I decided to not be afraid of that. I suppose if a person thinks 
> that they, as an individual, is important, then it defeats the part 
> of the purpose of enlightenment, which is letting go of ego. So the 
> paradox is that the fear is of annihilation, but humans naturally 
> have a strong sense of self preservation, and unless they aceept the 
> possibility of total annihilation of the soul, then they are still 
> atached to their own ego. It is normal to fear annihilation of the 
> soul I think, but I have decided that is a barrier to my evolution, 
> and so I decided to never fear that natural fear anymore. My one 
> weensy soul is not important to the universe, so why not risk it. 
> <<People who've died of "spontaneous combustion" -- do you think 
> that's what it was all about?>>
> Not sure, could be related, it sometimes actuall feels like that 
> could happen, but I don't think this would happen with most people, 
> if it were a potential.
> > 
> > My take on the fear thing is that while it's present with 
> kundulini at times, it is not kundulini itself but rather a person's 
> resistance to it, their doubting of it. By itself, kudulini is power 
> and fire and beautiful. It is the trumpet call that wakes the spirit 
> and calls the body to new life. Maybe that's what the angel's trumpet 
> call symbolizes in the Book of Revelations.>>
> Maybe,and I think fear is necessary. You cannot annihilate fear. It 
> is natural to the universe. I heard Maharishi explain once that the 
> infinity is afraid of being annihilated by the point value and visa-
> versa, so it is inbuilt into the dynamics of existence. The 3 in 1 
> structure of consciousness (Being) is a direct result of this 
> reverberation as one extreme expands to the other, and back. I did 
> not get, nor accept, Maharishi's answer at that time(to a purusha 
> guy's question about how he was percieving fear within the 
> transcndent or something like that). In fact, I was annoyed by this 
> talk of fear, and ignored it. But now, I can see the importance of 
> it. It is a wonderful thing.
> So I am starting to think of fear as an energy, it is just that 
> humans and other animals use that energy as a tool of practical life, 
> such that it becomes ingrained as something negative. But we need to 
> pull back and see the big picture. It is an energy, and I think that 
> yogis learn to transform (not annihilate, or ignore) that energy into 
> power.
> Just a thought. Could be wrong though.
> > The purification is like a hot metal rod burning, but it is 
> > not damaging or painful, only healing. Oftentimes (3 or 4 times a 
> > week), it fills most of my sleeping night with fire and bliss and 
> > neuronal purification, and I am often surprised how the world has 
> not 
> > transformed the next day.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > That is so beautiful. You're my new kundulini guru, Off-World. 
> (Guru in the good sense.)>>
> Thanks!
> I'm no guru, and I cannot be sure it should be called kundalini. It 
> is very powerful and extreme and hits the brain like a bolt of 
> electricity, but bright and purifying.
> << Do you do anything to manage the energy, or do you just let it do 
> its thing? >>
> I let it do its thing. I have always felt it was a good thing (though 
> sometimes I was scared of the annihilation sense), and it ALWAYS ends 
> in a sweet bathing of bliss for and hour or more. 
> <<Do you think kundulini can "get stuck" in a blocked chakra or other 
> body area? >>
> Yes, (if it is kundalini ) but what I get is always purifying, so 
> sometimes I feel it in different areas, but I cannot relate it to 
> chakras as such, but wherever it takes my attention I am just glad to 
> have it, mild or strong. 
> <<<If so, how does that feel, and how do you unblock the river?>>
> I find there is not much I can do, since it is spontaneaou and when 
> it is strong it is a jolt to the brain that wakes me up often, and I 
> can sense where thare are very big blocks in heart or brain, but it 
> always seems to purify some more of that in a natural way. Of course, 
> if this is not kundalini, then I don't want to have kundalini, 
> because this is plenty powerful enough and I can't imagine anything 
> more powerful. I just let it do its thing and I like it.
> > Well, the body must change completely. Every cell and neuron would 
> > have to transform completely to accomodate this bright burning 
> > purifying fire. 
> > 
> > Yes, yes, I've often sensed the destiny of this fire is to 
> consume my body as I know it and transmute it into an immortal one. >>
> Yes, and that sense of that immortal being that I get, I cannot even 
> call it 'me' at all. I just can't see that, and that is where that 
> fear of annihilation comes in. But I decided that 'me' is nothing 
> important, and to just go with it when it comes.
> <<<Physical immortality is certainly theoretically possible, since 
> all the cells are made of is energy, which is itself immortal.>>
> I don't think of the body anymore so much. This thing is so powerful, 
> that the body comes or goes is of no consequence to me. Body is a 
> vessel maybe, but not so important. You are immortal and no-one can 
> ever escape that terrible truth.
> << A body that "ran on" higher consciousness, that was "wired" with 
> high enough conscious, would not be subject to decay. The force that 
> makes this transformation IMO is the kundulini. It seems made for 
> that.>>
> I cannot see how my body could fully integrate this thing and 
> survive. I have expect to self-combust, but I now know I won't. But 
> perhaps people who are more used to it can integrate it. Maybe I am 
> just not at that point yet, and I am overblowing it as an experience, 
> but it is so much fun and bliss and enlightening, I hope I never just 
> get used to it.
> > If his theory of the effects of consciousness are 
> > correct, then there is no way it is going to be a slow gradual 
> change 
> > over 100-200 years. It is exponential change, and the end of it 
> will 
> > be moving so fast, we would likely call it armagedon, but not in 
> the 
> > negative sense of the interpretation of the Bible. But as the Bible 
> > describes correctly there will be much extreme fear, and chaos and 
> > transformation of matter, but the absolute end result will be a 
> > higher level for all.
> > 
> > 
> > I think that's where we come in -- the people who've already 
> journeyed a ways down this corridor (the people who've been 
> experimenting with meditation and consciousness-raising all their 
> lives). We are here to be the tip of the snow plow. We can make it 
> easier for the rest, when the transition comes, by creatively 
> visualizing how we want the transformation to me. Thoughts create 
> reality, and if enough of us picture this world change happening 
> joyously instead traumatically, that's how it will come down, IMO.>>
> It is a jouyous change I have tried to explain, but on the surface it 
> could be like hell to those who have not experienced this power. 
> Think of it like this: If a massive and unprecedented gamma wave 
> burst flowed across Earth from deep space (which happens every 100,00 
> years or so), everyone's brain would go into some kind of seizure, 
> but maybe a positive thing. If you had not experienced it then it 
> would be horrendous. If you had, then you would just hang on to your 
> hat, and hold on tight to your seat and go with it. Hopefull, it will 
> be gradual enough for people to adjust and get used to it and 
> understand it, but then again, I personally don't want to wait for 
> them. And since I as an individual I think of as any importance, then 
> I have to concldue that all souls are not important. Only the level 
> of consciousness being expressed in our part of the universe is 
> important. I do think that we ALL get purified and turned into our 
> immortal selves though (and that immortal person is not us, in a 
> sense)
> > "Killing" or "dying" is an metaphor for the power of it. You 
> don't 
> > die and get put in the ground, but it will be as close to dying as 
> > you can get. That is my experience of it. That is why Jesus talked 
> > about being 'born again'. To not use these very strong dramatic 
> terms 
> > such as "being burned alive by the purifying bliss" would be to 
> give 
> > the listener the wrong impression. It is a great thing I think, but 
> > not necessarily fun on all levels. The image of the Balrog in the 
> > movie Lord of the Rings seems a perfect expression of what we may 
> > have to face in the end. If you are ready, and accept the fear, 
> then, 
> > like Gandhalf, you will be transformed.
> > 
> > 
> > I don't remember that scene of the movie, but I grok you here. I 
> think we feel scared of what we don't understnd.>>
> Exactly, and we are ultimately massive and powerful beings, but we 
> forgot that, and I think these god-beings have little to do with our 
> self-concept of most people today.
> <<If a person can know that walking into the fire is a good thing, 
> designed to remake their body, not destroy, the fear is not a 
> hindrance and you can just dive in. >>
> Yes, and then I think the fear becomes an energy that is useful to 
> you. It is still fear, but it is transformed to a useful energy. Just 
> like electricity can be used for good things, but also can be 
> dangerous in inexperienced hands.
> <<Do you buy the stories you hear about kundulini being dangerous?>>
> I don't know. I used to think it could be, and I still do in a way. 
> But I made a decision for myself that 'myself' is of no importance, 
> and that if it destroys me, turns me mad, or kills me...I don't care. 
> Once I made that realization I found it much easier to just go with 
> the flow. I think it will still bring you to that point on its own. 
> It is natural that it brings you to this realization I think. But the 
> decision is a bit mad in a way, since it is an extreme sacrfice to 
> sacrifice your very soul or sanity to the universe. Trust the 
> universe, it will not let you down. Go with the flow, and do not try 
> to push the fear away, let it in and accept it, it will become your 
> power in the end.
> > Anyway, maybe it will be different for different people, but I 
> still 
> > don't see how you can get enlightened without facing great fear in 
> > your deep psyche, and transforming it into the energy it was 
> supposed 
> > to be in the beginning. Not fear, but energy.
> > 
> > 
> > Said so beautifully, Off-World -- "the energy it was supposed to 
> be in the beginning." It was fear that railroaded this creation. 
> Kundulini may be the door that opens the world to the power of God. 
> IMO, the Infinite One had an original joyous divine intention for the 
> universe that never yet got realized. It's still lurking to manifest. 
> Kundulini may be the means. >>
> Yes, but rememebr the fear is not bad, it has just become 
> misunderstood by our limited consciousness. Fear is also immortal, 
> and beautiful. Ultimately it becomes out our real yogic power.
> OffWorld


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