emptybill wrote:

Over the years I have heard an argument professed by
some former TM meditators who stopped practicing because
they claimed they were deceived about the "meaning"
of mantra-s.

Empty again:

  Baba Hari Dass is an impeccable yogin possessed of vairagya and
dispossessed of any agenda. He is the "yogin's yogin". My
point was to call attention to an alternate authoritative source  -
someone able to explain the distinction between mantra-dhyana and
mantra-japa. The key is to recognize that a mantra can be used in
meditation simply for its sound value, without any reference to meaning.
While this may seem over-obvious to TM and Sahaj Samadhi meditators,
this is what demarcates it from ordinary language.

Used in this way, mantric sound is part of the human sensorium but is
self-generated in the same way that speech is. This kind of bare
sensoria is non-conceptual and does not require analysis to be
perceived. Bija mantras are yogic tools for just this type of
non-conceptual (nirvikalpa) direct cognition.

The fact is that MMY told us the truth about mantras and their proper
yogic use in TM. The cultural artifact is that Indians use mantras for
Japa to a hindu deity - it is just a datum of the Indian mind set. No
self-respecting "Hindu" conducts their life without a least
20-30 mantras on-hand at all times (except the Indian communists).
TM/Sahaj Samadhi meditators do not, unless they choose to worship a

When someone tells us such meditation is hindu worship then they are
simply misinformed, ignorant or ideologues.

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