Benjamin Creme's Master's article `The gathering of the Forces of 
Light' (Share International March 2007 ) begins: "Important events 
are taking place in many parts of the world. People everywhere will 
be astonished by the reports. These will include sightings, in 
unprecedented numbers, of spacecraft from our neighbouring planets, 
Mars and Venus in particular. Nothing like this increased activity, 
over vast areas of the Earth, will have been seen before. Those who 
have steadfastly refused to take seriously the reality of this 
phenomenon will find it difficult to deny. More and more accounts of 
contact with the occupants of the spacecraft will add their testimony 
to the fact of their existence. Miraculous happenings of all kinds 
will continue and multiply in number and variety. The minds of men 
will be baffled and amazed by these wonders, and this will cause them 
to ponder deeply…."
Exactly as predicted, this year has seen an impressive number of 
reports of UFOs in many parts of the world and an increase in the 
crop circle phenomena, with ever new and various forms of patterns. 

UFOs over Ontario, Canada
A Canadian man photographed four white oblong shapes in the sky on 29 
July 2007. Scott Fraser, a resident of Orillia, Ontario, said the 
shapes burst like rockets over the western horizon then rose 
vertically before moving south at high speed. 
"I really honestly don't know what they were," said Fraser, who was 
photographing the sunset when one of his friends saw the white shapes 
appear in the sky. The movements the flying objects made, he said, 
were too quick and sharp for conventional aircraft. (Source:
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that the flying objects were 
spaceships from Mars.) 

UFOs over the UK 
Dozens of people in the town of Stratford-Upon-Avon, England, saw 
five UFOs in the sky on 21 July 2007. Crowds gathered to view the 
objects hovering in formation for about 30 minutes. The lights became 
visible at about 10.30 pm. Witnesses said the speed of the objects 
was unlike any known aircraft and that the unusual movement patterns, 
lack of noise and the length of time in the air discounted the 
possibility of a man-made phenomenon. 
One witness said: "We walked outside and there was at that time a 
growing crowd of about 60 people looking up at something in the sky. 
I saw a light appear, then three others. They came over our heads in 
formation but then moved into different positions. Three had formed a 
triangular shape and one was to the right. Then another one came 
hurtling towards the rest at what looked like a very fast speed. But 
as it neared them it suddenly slowed and stopped altogether. 
"By this time more people had poured out onto the street and drivers 
slowed their cars. The objects were there for about half an hour. 
They didn't make any sound and they stayed still before moving slowly 
beyond the horizon. There were no stars in the sky, just them." 
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that the flying objects were 
spaceships from Mars.) 

UFOs over Wales
Several residents of Wrexham, Wales, and the surrounding area saw red 
lights in the sky in the early hours of 25 July 2007. Lynn Williams 
of Wrexham saw lights that moved silently and at great speed above 
her house.  "Two of them were flying round each other. They were 
flying very close together, closer than planes. They were going so 
fast I couldn't focus on them."
"I ran inside and got my camcorder. I thought they could be 
helicopters but when I zoomed in I was scared to death. They were 
glowing red in the middle … They weren't like anything I have seen 
before. For the lights to be so low there had to be some noise if 
they were planes." 
A police officer from the nearby town of Acton, said he saw the 
lights while on patrol. "There is no way this was a hoax; I would not 
have seen them from Acton if they were.  They were very high up; 
there's no way anyone can control anything from that distance. There 
were several `floating' in the sky in a pack. I thought they were 
helicopters or similar, however there was no sound whatsoever." 
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that the lights were spaceships 
from Mars.)

Another bumper crop!
2007 has been a great year for crop circle formations in the UK. By 
mid-August 47 patterns had been reported. While mainstream media has 
never investigated the phenomenon seriously, websites record the 
latest news and photographs of patterns. Thousands of people travel 
each summer to Wiltshire, southern England, to visit the crop circles.
So far this year 88 crop circles, of increasing intricacy, have also 
been reported in other parts of the world: Germany (18); Netherlands 
(13), Czech Republic (1), Slovenia (3), Norway (2), Poland (2), 
France (1), Switzerland (6), Croatia (1), USA (6), Italy (22), 
Belgium (11) and Sweden (2).
Benjamin Creme explains: "My information about the crop circles is 
that they are created by what is generally called UFO activity. The 
UFOs come in the main from Mars and Venus, not from outside our solar 
system…. What the Space People are doing in the crop circles in 
particular is recreating to a certain degree the `grid' of our 
earth's magnetic field on the physical plane. Each of these crop 
circles is a chakra, as it were, a vortex of magnetic energy, and 
they are spreading out around the world, having started in England…." 
(Sl July/August 1991)

See also: `The reality and work of the Space Brothers', an interview 
with Benjamin Creme(SI July/Aug 2004)
The Crop Circle Year Book 2006 by Steve Alexander and Karen Douglas 
(Temporary Temple Press, UK) includes photographs of the best of 
2006's UK crop circles. Visit: 
For more information:

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