Hello, all,

I hope everyone is having a good holiday.  I receive so much holiday email 
that to reciprocate is quite a task, but this year I thought I would make 
the special effort to do just that, and to include a few folks I haven't 
heard from in a while (and who haven't heard from me).

As Bilbo is so fond of saying, I don't know half of you half as well as I 
should like; and I like less than half of you as well as you 
deserve.  Well, something like that.  :)

As we conclude the first year of 2001, I can't help but remind myself that:

1) Powerful men such as Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, and Julius 
Caesar never knew the luxury of getting onto an airplane and flying across 
the face of the Earth.  I, at least, have done better than them by that much.

2) Great inventors like Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Alva Edison had to 
build their conveniences from scratch.  I can drive over to Wal-Mart and 
buy telephones and light bulbs, when I'm not watching DvDs on my computer.

3) People in the middle ages had to sit in hot, stuffy churches on Sunday 
and listen to sermons delivered in a language they couldn't understand.  I 
can sit on my couch, turn on the television, and watch preachers and news 
commentators deliver incomprehensible lectures in modern English.

4) Nobody remembers the name of the "Beowulf" poet, although his poem 
resonates through the centuries.  My name is indelibly etched in the 
storage systems of thousands of computers around the world.

5) The ancient Romans sat on hard stone seats in open amphitheaters to 
watch gladiatorial combat, and most of them never really got a good 
view.   I get to see instant replay on Battle Bots.

6) Before there were cities, our ancestors used to walk across the 
landscape without a care in the world, munching on nuts, fruits, and 
whatever animals they could catch.  We get to drive across our countries 
while consuming junk food and soft drinks in air conditioned vehicles they 
would have thought belonged to the gods.

All in all, despite the terrible things which have befallen our 
civilization in the past few months, it was not the worst year in which to 

Here's hoping the next one is even better.

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