The Persian Academy has published its first official list of computer
terms that have been finalized (that is, approved by the President of
the Islamic Republic of Iran). The copy I'm holding is labeled "second
edition" and is dated "Dey of 1381" (2003-01). It has an appendix of the
Iranian law on illegality of usage of any foreign words Academy has
passed an equivalent for, dated 1375/9/28 (1996-12-18).

This does not include terms like "computer" or "email" that has been
considered *general* terms and were published long ago.

You can buy the physical thing from the Persian Academy's bookshop, on
Ahmad-e Ghasir (Bokharest) Avenue, at the corner of the 3rd Street.

To get to the good part, the word list is available as an XML file from
the address:

For those who don't know how to handle hot stuff, I've made a very
spartan HTML version available at:

And for those who wonder how I've created the HTML from the XML, the
XSLT file is available at (forgive my incompetence in XSLT):

Oh, the winner of the Funniest Word Award? It's "mooshi" for "mouse"!


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