
As I mentioned in my original posting, I am not a PHP programmer; But,
it seems that for keyboard input functions you WILL have to convert
UTF-8 to HTML encoding if you want to use your function; for example
by calling a function like htmlentities()  or utf8_decode() before
calling utf8_to_int().  The pseudo code looks like this:

if (input is in UTF-8) {                # for example input is from a Linux keyboard
        $str = htmlentities($str, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8" );
$intvalue = utf8_ot_int($str);

I've included the function again; I added the extra code to check for "x in set y"
test.  Also note the use of the built-in strtr() function.  These builtins usually
are more efficient (written in C) and are faster.   This code has not been tested.

function utf8_to_int($str)
        $transtbl = array (
                "۰" => '0',
                "۱" => '1',
                "۲" => '2',
                "۳" => '3',
                "۴" => '4',
                "۵" => '5',
                "۶" => '6',
                "۷" => '7',
                "۸" => '8',
                "۹" => '9'

        foreach ($transtbl as $key => $value) {
                if ($key == $str) {                             # it has an HTML 
encoded numeric
                        $str = strtr($str, $transtbl);  # convert all of them to ASCII 
                        return (int) $str;                      # convert to whole 
thing to integer
        return (int) $str;

One last thing, this function (and your version) has a fatal flaw. Do you
want to guess what it is? 

Hint:  What happens if the string is "ABCDE"?  What is the difference in the
return value from the function for the strings  "ABCD" and "۰"?

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Hi dears.
Mr.Tavakkolian was helping me until my function completed.
This function converts utf8(digit) to integer.
function search_index_array($str)
 global $farsi_table;
 for ($i=0;$i<11;$i++) 
  if ($farsi_table[$i]==$str ) 
   return $i; 
 return FALSE;
}// end of search_index_array
function utf8_to_int($str)
 for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i++)
   if (search_index_array($char[$i])!=False)
  }//end of for ($i)
 return $out; 
}//end of utf8_to_int
When i call utf8_to_int("&#1776;"."&#1785;") ,this return 09 ,But When i enter a 
number(utf8) via keyboard,This function return 0.
Please guide me that i how enter a number via keyboard(persian) & i get true answer.

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