
I'm trying to use the qtgui template in faust2, but getting undefined
reference to vtable linker errors.

As far as I can see, all virtual methods are implemented, so I don't know
what's wrong.

I've tried to uncomment QTGUI::QTGUI and QTGUI::~QTGUI, but that didn't
make any difference.
I've also googled the problem, and thought hard, but I haven't been able to
solve it.

[kjetil@ttlush test]$ faust2 -a jack-qt.cpp fausttest.dsp >fausttest.cpp

[kjetil@ttlush test]$ g++ fausttest.cpp -I ../faust2/architecture/
`pkg-config --cflags QtGui` -ljack `pkg-config --libs QtGui`

/tmp/cctIcRaD.o: In function `QTGUI::QTGUI()':
fausttest.cpp:(.text._ZN5QTGUIC2Ev[_ZN5QTGUIC5Ev]+0x62): undefined
reference to `vtable for QTGUI'
fausttest.cpp:(.text._ZN5QTGUIC2Ev[_ZN5QTGUIC5Ev]+0x71): undefined
reference to `vtable for QTGUI'
fausttest.cpp:(.text._ZN5QTGUIC2Ev[_ZN5QTGUIC5Ev]+0x81): undefined
reference to `vtable for QTGUI'
fausttest.cpp:(.text._ZN5QTGUIC2Ev[_ZN5QTGUIC5Ev]+0x91): undefined
reference to `vtable for QTGUI'
/tmp/cctIcRaD.o: In function `QTGUI::~QTGUI()':
fausttest.cpp:(.text._ZN5QTGUID2Ev[_ZN5QTGUID5Ev]+0xe): undefined reference
to `vtable for QTGUI'
more undefined references to `vtable for QTGUI' follow
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
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