*The Faust Open Source Software Competition aims at promoting innovative
high-quality free audio software developed with Faust, a functional
programming language for realtime signal processing and sound synthesis.
The competition is sponsored by GRAME <http://www.grame.fr>, Centre
National de Création Musicale*
Faust Award 2016 to *Ambitools*

The *Faust Award 2016* was attributed by an international committee
composed of :

   - Jean-Louis Giavitto (IRCAM, Paris, France),
   - Albert Graef (Johannes Gutenberg U., Mainz, Germany),
   - Pierre Jouvelot (Ecole des Mines, Paris, France),
   - Victor Lazzarini (Maynooth U., Maynooth, Ireland),
   - Romain Michon (Stanford U., Palo Alto, USA)
   - Yann Orlarey (GRAME, Lyon, France),
   - Dave Phillips (musician, journalist, and educator, USA)
   - Laurent Pottier (U. Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France),
   - Julius Smith (Stanford U., Palo Alto, USA)

to Ambitools <http://www.sekisushai.net/ambitools/>, a set of tools for
real-time 3D sound field synthesis using higher order ambisonics (HOA).

Ambitools is developed by Pierre Lecomte, a PhD candidate at Conservatoire
National des Arts et M etiers and Sherbrooke Universit y. The core of the
sound processing is written in Faust. The tools contain HOA encoders,
decoders, binaural-filters, HOA signals transformations, spherical
VU-Meter, etc. and can be compiled in various plug-ins format under
Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux.

The jury praised the quality and the usefulness of Ambitools: a *really
useful and technically advanced Faust app* and *an impressive technical
achievement* ! Check the demo

The committee was also very impressed by the quality of two other projects :

   - Voice of Faust <https://github.com/magnetophon/VoiceOfFaust>, a voice
   synthesizer/effects machine by Bart Brouns (demo
   - PMix <https://github.com/olilarkin/pMix2>, a graphical patcher, preset
   interpolator and JIT compiler for FAUST by Oliver Larkin (demo

Faust Student Software Competition to *TouchVoices*

In parallel to the main competition, we introduced this year a junior
competition: the *Faust Student Software Competition*, intended to promote
small but interesting Faust applications, typically written as student

The *student prize* was awarded to TouchVoices
<https://patheo.github.io/TouchVoices/> (by Pierre-Adrien Théo, RIM Master
student at University Jean Monnet) a real-time web application allowing to
capture, playback and transform sound loops. Here is a video
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EljDv-mwKW4> of Pierre-Adrien Théo during
a performance with TouchVoices <https://patheo.github.io/TouchVoices/>.

A very close competitor was SuperBeatRepeater
<https://github.com/sonejostudios/SuperBeatRepeater> (by Vincent Rateau, of
*SuperDirt* fame), a sample accurate beat repeater. Don't miss the demo



Yann Orlarey
Directeur scientifique
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