
There is currently no such possibility, but that would be certainly nice to
have !



Yann Orlarey
Directeur scientifique

2016-12-06 17:23 GMT+01:00 松浦知也 <matsuura.nonym...@gmail.com>:

> HI all.
> I’m now trying to put all definition of functions/expressions together
> into single dsp source file to archive data which were used in my own
> artwork.
> I wrote my own library file but finally I used not all definitions because
> they include functions for debugging or used in some  experiment.
> So,simply I wanna do like below:
> in stdfaust.lib
> fi = library("filter.lib”);
> if my test code.dsp is like
> import(“stdfaust.lib”);
> process = _<:(fi.lowpass(2,1000),fi.highpass(2,1000));
> // I wanna make merged.dsp like
> fi  = environment{
> lowpass(N,fc) = lowpass0_highpass1(0,N,fc);
> highpass(N,fc) = lowpass0_highpass1(1,N,fc);
> lowpass0_highpass1(s,N,fc) = lphpr(s,N,N,fc)
> with { lphpr(s,0,N,fc) = _;
>  lphpr(s,1,N,fc) = tf1s(s,1-s,1,2*ma.PI*fc);
>  lphpr(s,O,N,fc) = lphpr(s,(O-2),N,fc) : tf2s(s,0,1-s,a1s,1,w1)
> with { parity = N % 2;
>  S = (O-parity)/2; // current section number
>  a1s = -2*cos((ma.PI)*-1 + (1-parity)*ma.PI/(2*N) + (S-1+parity)*ma.PI/N);
>  w1 = 2*ma.PI*fc;
>   };
>   };
> tf1s=….;
> tf2s=….;
> iir = …;
> ...
> };
> process = _<:(fi.lowpass(2,1000),fi.highpass(2,1000));
> I already know -e compile option, but it has problem we can’t see what
> functions were used from seeing expanded source from it…
> Any ideas to implement this using some shell scripting? Or need to develop
> new compiler option…?
> Best regards.
> Tokyo University of the Arts
> Tomoya Matsuura
> matsuura.nonym...@gmail.com
> s2113...@ms.geidai.ac.jp
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