Hi All,

WebAssembly (http://webassembly.org) is now officially activated in Chrome and 

The Faust WebAssembly backend emitted binary format has been raised to match 
the official 0x01 number.

Statically generated html pages can be generated and tested:

-  using the Faust online compiler (http://faust.grame.fr/compiler/) by 
choosing the Web/wasm-audio for regular DSP and Web/wasm-polyphonic for 
polyphonic MIDI controllable DSP instruments (to be tested on Chrome only), or 
Web/wasm-audio-pkg and Web/wasm-polyphonic-pkg for the corresponding packages.

- or using the FaustLive export feature by choosing Web/webaudiowasm for 
regular DSP and Web/webaudiowasm-poly for polyphonic MIDI controllable DSP 
instruments (to be tested on Chrome only). Html pages with the corresponding 
binary .wasm files can be downloaded and tested locally. 

Feedback welcome !


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