On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 08:15:13AM +0200, Yann Orlarey wrote:
> Ciao Nicola,
> >From withing the Faust code, you can know the current block size, but not
> control it (well, actually you could, but it is more complicated).
> The block-size is controlled by the outside world: actually, it is the
> count parameter of the
> virtual void compute(int count, FAUSTFLOAT** inputs, FAUSTFLOAT** outputs)
> method. It can be changed every time the compute() method is called,
> typically under control of the architecture file.
> What is you use-case?

Thank you Yann - understood. I  suppose  it  can  be  controlled  via  a
ffunction() which may write into the actual block size. At  any  rate  I
think it is not very useful: I was trying  to  reduce  the  overhead  of
compute() calls for the sluggish machine I have. I simply have to get a more
powerful machine.

Along with Alvise Vidolin we're using faust to re-build the analog 48-filter
filter bank that was used in Freiburg for Luigi Nono's Prometeo (we are about
to premiere it in Parma at the end of May). Everything was going well but we
now have to move the code I have written on linux to a mac machine which will
be used for the concerts. After many attempts we're now using FaustLive on the
mac to read the *.dsp files that I have made in linux and we currently have
this error (FaustLive error):

DefaultName : 1 : ERROR : syntax error, unexpected DIV

The actual code is here:

declare name "Filter Bank Executable";
declare author "Nicola Bernardini";
declare copyright "Nicola Bernardini";
declare acknowledgements "Julius Smith, Romain Michon";
declare version "0.0";
declare license "GNU GPL";

import ("filter_bank.dsp");

GUI(x) = hgroup("GUI",
             vgroup("filter_bank_group_0", x),
             vgroup("filter_bank_group_1", x),
             vgroup("gain", x),
             vgroup("output VU", x));

process = GUI(filter_bank(_,1) : vslider("/h:GUI/v:gain/gain", 1, 0, 10, 1) * 

I also attach to this mail the "filter_bank.dsp" and "filter_channel.dsp" file
which are found on a folder that is on the same level of the folder where the
main process is. Here's the tree:

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