
A group of SuperCollider devs started discussing what a best practice for
integrating Faust-based SuperCollider plugins should look like. One idea
that came up was to automate SuperCollider helpfile generation inspired by
the faust2mathdoc script.

In a SuperCollider helpfile we would need to be able to document all the
input arguments and also what the UGen returns. Now thinking outside the
needs of SuperCollider, this would conform with documenting the inlets and
outlets of MaxMSP or PureData and possibly similar needs on other platforms

The documentation in chapter 11
lists 6 specific tags:
mdoc, equation, diagram, metadata, notice, listing.

None of them seems specifically dedicated to the arguments of the UGen or
to what the UGen would return e.g. how many audio channels etc.

Questions A) What tag do you suggest? Should a new specific tag be
introduced? How can documentation be best autogenerated based on the Faust
code, the wires and what process returns?

Also, we think that the Faust code might possibly contain data structures
that would be worth translating into Class variables of the SuperCollider
language side representation the UGen.
To give an example, I've used many times the Ambisonics decoder toolbox
which generates Ambisonics decoders as dsp files based on MATLAB code.
Here it would be fantastic if there was a way to document speaker positions
in the .dsp file and to translate them into a class variable in
SuperCollider. I imagine that there are other cases where similar needs

Question B) What would be the best way to achieve that? how could these
types of data best be handled/documented so that it can be passed on to the
documentation in other platforms?

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