Hi guys,

I think I probably found what was wrong.

So, I used the -t 0 option and it worked, but it took a really huge time to compile (almost a hour I think).

I did some tests and I don't see any problem with fi.fir(), it supports very large lists.

The fact that your times are as so much smaller than mine made me think. I upgraded to 2.5.23 (that's the latest on Arch repos), but same issue. I was about to try to build the last version but then I realised that my Julia code was dumping Float64 literals into the Faust source code. However, I got the impression that Faust wants C++ float literals, which should be kinda equivalent to Julia's Float32, while C++ double should be sort of like Julia's Float64. What suggested that to me is that I could see the numbers notated with f in few (not related) compiler errors.

So, I modified my Julia code to convert the FIR taps to Float32 before writing them down in the .dsp files. Now it compiles quite fast, a bunch of seconds.

So, I guess that I was dropping numbers with too high precision into the Faust source code, and then the compiler was spending a ton of time to convert them. Is it plausible?

On Tue, 20 Mar, 2018 at 7:28 PM, Julius Smith <j...@ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
I think [complexity] info should be added in the library documentation.


- Julius

On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 5:26 AM, Stéphane Letz <l...@grame.fr> wrote:
 ba.take ==> complexity O(n^2)

I think that this kind of info should be added in the library documentation.

And also as a general rule in the « Contributing » section of https://github.com/grame-cncm/faustlibraries/blob/master/README.md, to push library writers to document this kind of things.


Le 20 mars 2018 à 04:32, Yann Orlarey <orla...@grame.fr> a écrit :


I did some tests and I don't see any problem with fi.fir(), it supports very large lists. Here is the test file I used:

 // ------- fir500.dsp ------


 process = fi.fir((
     ...48 copies...


 time faust fir500.dsp -o /dev/null

 real  0m0.446s
 user  0m0.375s
 sys   0m0.030s

 If instead, I use the second code you mentioned

 // ------- fur500.dsp ------


 fur(coeffs) = _ <: par(i, 500, @(i) * ba.take(i + 1, coeffs)) :> _;

 process = fur((
     ...48 copies...


The compilation will take a very long time because ba.take() is really not the way to go in this case (complexity O(n^2)). Here are the results I get:

 time faust fur500.dsp -o /dev/null

 real  1m18.270s
 user  1m16.947s
 sys   0m0.900s

 The difference is enormous (x170)!

If in your case you don't see any difference of performances between the two, then there is a problem with the fi.fir implementation you are using.

 Can you try with the latest version of Faust (version 2.5.25)?



2018-03-19 15:01 GMT-07:00 Oliver Larkin via Faudiostream-users <faudiostream-users@lists.sourceforge.net>: depending on what faust version you are using, a foreign function might help. I had to do this to do a convolution in my tambura synthesiser for exactly the same reason



 it would be great if faust’s FIR didn’t bork like this


On 19 Mar 2018, at 21:32, CrocoDuck o'Ducks <crocoduck.odu...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Hi again!

 Thank you for all your tips!

I suggest placing all of your coefficients into a large parallel signal bank:

coeffs = (b0, b1, b2, ..., b511); // FIR filter coefficients for length 512

 and then use par() etc.

 I tried both of these:

 process = fi.fir(coeffs);

 process = _ <: par(i, 512, @(i) * ba.take(i + 1, coeffs)) :> _;

Which, unfortunately, both suffer from the same problem. Did I got the suggestion right?

 You can set unlimited time by adding
 -t 0
 to your compile command.

 I am currently trying this.

Interesting ! Do you have some code to show? Is is part of an official JULIA ==> Faust project?

No, it isn't an official project. I just design some filters using DSP.jl then I try to generate Faust code that implements them. I just open a file for writing and I fill it with Faust code. I guess I can cook a few minimal examples to share, I cannot share my code right away as it is sort of confidential.

On Mon, 19 Mar, 2018 at 8:20 AM, Stéphane Letz <l...@grame.fr> wrote:

Le 18 mars 2018 à 23:06, CrocoDuck o'Ducks <crocoduck.odu...@gmail.com
 > a écrit :

  Hi there!

I currently have some Julia code producing 512 taps for an FIR filter.

Interesting ! Do you have some code to show? Is is part of an official JULIA ==> Faust project?


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Julius O. Smith III <j...@ccrma.stanford.edu>
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CCRMA, Stanford University

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