Thanks a lot Sebastien. Well, all the dependancies are installed ...

In between, Pierre Amaury Grumiaux - who wrote the script - answered me and
gave me a new version of the ir2dsp file, that I attach to this mail. He
encountered the same problem as me, and I am very surprised that you didn't
encounter it and could make the creation I could here on Soundcloud (thanx
for the link).

So, with this new Python file, I can create my dsp file now.

But now, when I run it (on the Faust Online Editor ... I'm a windows user
;-) .... ) the following error message appears :

*BoxIdent[take] is defined here :

As I understand it, the compiler is trying to redefine *ba.take *which is a
function already known in the standard lib.
So, it doesn't want to do it.... but I can't see why the compiler is
considering that using a loop is re-defining a function !!!
The only time ba.take is used is in this case :

modeT60 = par(i,nModes,ba.take(i+1,t60));

I attached the (simple) dsp file.

Any Faust-user has an idea ?

Le lun. 21 janv. 2019 à 00:05, Sébastien Clara <>
a écrit :

> Hi,
> Make sure you have installed dependencies :
> pip install scipy
> pip install matplotlib
> pip install peakutils
> Then you will be able to execute the script : python test.wav 
> test_model
> -20 100. You will find attached the script that allowed me to build dsp
> files for cabinet impulses.
> With the Guitarix project on Faust, you will have opportunities to work on
> your timbre and make cool sounds. If you wish, you can listen to my
> latest creation :
> Cheers,
> Sébastien
> Le 13/01/2019 à 23:13, Virginie YK a écrit :
> Hi
> I'm trying to use ir2dsp although I don't know Python at all.
> Anyway, I could finally install it on my PC. Now, in the Windows command
> line, I type :
> python test.wav test_model.dsp -20 100
> where test.wav is a short file supposed to be a kind of Impusionnal
> Response, test_model.dsp is the resulting model file ; -20 ("Minimum value
> of peaks in dB (between -infinity and 0)" and 100 Hz (Minimum distance
> between two peaks in Hertz).
> The result is the following message :
> C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\scipy\io\
> *WavFileWarning: Chunk (non-data) not understood, skipping it.*
>   WavFileWarning)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> *  File "", line 32, in <module>     x = x/max(x) ValueError: The
> truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use
> a.any() or a.all()*
> Is it a bug or are there any condition on the input file (the wave file)
> that I don't know ? I chose a very short and easy input file of 345 Ko.
> In fact, I can't use ir2dsp ........ could you help me please ?
> Thanks
> Virginie
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright Pierre-Amaury Grumiaux, Pierre Jouvelot, Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias,
# Romain Michon and Jakob Dübel

from __future__ import division
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sys import argv
import subprocess
from import read
import peakutils
import peakutils.plot as pkplt
import operator
import argparse

# Help for use of the script
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = " is a python script 
that generates a .dsp file from an impulse response file (a .wav file).The 
impulse response is analyzed in order to rebuild the sound of the vibration of 
the object based on this impulse response.", epilog = "See for more information about 
parser.add_argument("soundFile", type = str, help = "Path of the sound file")
parser.add_argument("modelName", help = "The name of the model created in the 
.dsp file")
parser.add_argument("peakThreshold", help = "Minimum value of peaks in dB 
(between -infinity and 0)")
parser.add_argument("peakDistance", help = "Minimum distance between two peaks 
in Hertz")
ars = parser.parse_args ()
# Arguments
script, soundFile, modelName, peakThreshold, peakDistance = argv

# Reading file
print("Reading wav file...")
(fs, x) = read(soundFile)
if x.shape[1] == 2:
    x = x[:, 0]
# Normalizing sound
x = x/np.max(x)

print("Computing FFT...")
X = np.abs(np.fft.fft(x))
X = X/(np.max(X))
# computing corresponding frequencies
time_step = 1/fs
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(x.size, time_step)
idx = np.argsort(freqs)

# plot for debug
# plt.plot(freqs[idx],20*np.log(X[idx]))

# detecting peaks
print("Detecting FFT peaks...")
threshold = math.pow(10, float(peakThreshold)/20) # from dB to X unit
distance = int(peakDistance)/(fs/x.size)
indexes = peakutils.indexes(X[idx], thres = threshold, min_dist = distance)

# Storing frequencies and modes for each bp filters
peaksFreq = []
peaksGains = []
nbOfPeaks = 0
for i in indexes :
        if freqs[idx][i] > 0:
                nbOfPeaks += 1
peaksGains = peaksGains/(np.max(peaksGains))

#Computing t60 values
print("Calculating T60 values...")
peakst60 = []
for i in range(0, nbOfPeaks) :
        offset = pow(10, -3/20) # conversion of -3 dB in X unit
        peakIndex = indexes[len(indexes) - nbOfPeaks + i]

        n = peakIndex
        while X[idx][n] > (X[idx][peakIndex]*offset):
                n = n-1
        a = n

        n = peakIndex
        while X[idx][n] > (X[idx][peakIndex]*offset):
                n = n+1
        b = n

        bandwidth = (b-a)/(fs/x.size) # bandwidth in Hz

print("Frequency peaks and corresponding gains and T60 has been successfully 

# Writing the dsp file #
# #######################
print("Writing the dsp file...")
file = open(modelName + ".dsp", "w")
file.write("// -*-Faust-*-\n")
file.write("// generated with {0} {1} {2}\n".format(modelName, 
peakThreshold, peakDistance))
file.write("declare name \"{0}\";\n".format(modelName))
file.write("nModes = ")
file.write("modeFrequencies=("); # writing the frequencies list
k = 0
for i in peaksFreq:
        if (k+1<len(peaksGains)):
        k += 1
file.write("massEigenValues=("); # writing the masses list
k = 0
for i in peaksGains:
        if (k+1 < len(peaksGains)):
        k += 1
file.write("t60=("); # writing the t60 list
k = 0
for i in peakst60:
        if (k+1 < len(peaksGains)):
        k += 1
file.write("modeFreqs=par(i,nModes,ba.take(i+1, modeFrequencies));\n")
file.write("modeGains=par(i,nModes,ba.take(i+1, massEigenValues));\n")
file.write("modeT60 = par(i,nModes,ba.take(i+1,t60));\n")
file.write('\ngate = button("gate");')
file.write("\nprocess = pm.impulseExcitation(gate) : " + modelName + " <: _,_; 

print(modelName + ".dsp has been successfully created!")

Attachment: test_model2.dsp
Description: Binary data

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